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Insurance has neither the brilliance of a diamond nor the convenience of a color television. But through this visible product flows the blood of human beings. It holds the intense hopes of people for the future. Money cannot buy love, but love can speak through money. And money can bring fullness to life if money is used for someone you love. ; 保险没有钻石的光芒,也不象彩色电视机那样实用,但是透过这件可见的商品(保单),却可以使人类的血液(亲情)代代流淌,她可以保住人们对未来最后的希望。 (保险就是钱)钱虽然买不来爱,但爱却可以用钱来表达,如果钱是为你所爱的人使用,她将给你的生活带来满足。; 它没有钻石璀璨,也不像电视那样方便,看得见的是一张保单,看不见的是关爱一片。他纪录了血脉亲情,代代相传。他留住了最后的希望,把梦想写在明天。爱虽无价,情有轻重,送爱一份担保,还生活一份惬意。 ; 钱,味甘,大热,有毒。偏能驻颜,采泽流润,善疗饥寒、解困厄之患,立验。能利邦国、污贤达、畏清廉。贫者服之,以均平为良;如不均平,则冷热相激,令人霍乱。其药,采无时,采之非理则伤神。此既流行,能召神灵、通鬼气。如积不散,则有水火盗贼之灾生;如散而不积,则饥寒困厄之患至。一积一散谓之道,不以为珍谓之德,取予合宜谓之义,无求非分谓之礼,博施济众谓之仁,出不失期谓之信,入不妨己谓之智。以上七术精炼,方可久而服之,令人长寿。若服之非理,则弱志伤神,切须忌之。;It can buy a House But not a Home It can buy a Bed But not Sleep It can buy a Clock But not Time It can buy you Food But not an Appetite It can buy you a Book But not Knowledge It can buy you a Position But not Respect It can buy you Medicine But not Health It can buy you Blood But not Life;Friends: Below is something I believe true and would like much to share with you. This is so true........ Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, dont you think? So what is behind the story? Do you know what the word FAMILY means? FAMILY = (F)ATHER (A)ND (M)OTHER (I) (L)OVE (Y)OU Pass this message to 7 people except you and me. You will receive a miracle tomorrow. Dont ignore and God will bless you. ;朋友们: 以下是我深以为是的一个生活理念,因此非常想与您分享。 真的很有道理 不知您是否意识到假如明天我们离开这个世界,我们所服务的公司会在短短的几天里找人替代我们,而我们的家人却在他们的余生里不断感受失去亲人的痛苦。 仔细想想,我们对工作的投入往往超过了对家庭的投入,这确实是个不太明智的投资,难道您不这样以为吗?这给我们更深的启示是什么? 您知道家庭(FAMILY)这个词的意味着什么吗? 家庭(


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