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第9章 环境污染植物修复 Phytoremediation of polluted environment;第一节 概述;1980s, Rufus L Chaney 提出利用超积累植物清除土壤重金属污染,形成植物修复概念。;Superfund: 1,623 Sites;2 植物修复的定义;生物修复;3 植物对污染物质的吸收、排泄与积累 uptake,excretion,accumulation; ; ;4 超积累植物; ; ;超积累植物发现的历史; ; ;喜锌堇菜Viola verecunda ;喜锌海石竹;目前发现的超积累植物;List of hyperaccumulators ;Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) 印度芥菜;Thlaspi caerulescens;CCAU CAMPUS;CCAU CAMPUS;Cu Hyperaccumulator (Elsholzia Spleden);我国发现的超积累植物;超积累植物 ;5 排异植物的概念及其应用; ; ;6 植物修复的基本类型; ;POPLAR TREES;Schnodr等(1995)的工作(栽植杨树降低NO3-污染); ;陆生植物野葛; ;Allelopathy;Kochia scoparia is planted for ornament or erosion control.[2] It is a known hyperaccumulator of Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Selenium, Silver, Zinc,[11],[12] and Uranium,[13] , and as such can be used for phytoremediation. McCutcheon Schnoor 2003, Phytoremediation. New Jersey, John Wiley Sons, page 898. Phytoremediation. By McCutcheon Schnoor. 2003, New Jersey, John Wiley Sons pg 19. Enhancing Phytoextraction: The Effect of Chemical Soil Manipulation on Mobility, Plant Accumulation, and Leaching of Heavy Metals. By Ulrich Schmidt. In J. Environ. Qual. 32:1939-1954 (2003) ;Casuarina equisetifolia litter completely suppresses germination of understory plants as shown here despite the relative openness of the canopy and ample rainfall (120 cm/yr) at the location ; ;植物修复机理之一; 植物降解(Rhizosphere degradation: ) Phytodegradation or phytotransformation is the breakdown of contaminants taken up by plants by metabolic processes within the plant. 应用植物体内或植物分泌的化合物和酶降解污染物质 Alternatively, the breakdown of contaminant, external to the plant, by compounds or enzymes produced by, and released from, the plant. ;植物挥发(Phytovolatilisation) Phytovolatilisation is the uptake and transpiration of contaminant by a plant. This process results in the release of the contaminant from the plant, in a modified form of the contaminant to the atmosphere from the plant. ;植物提取或植物吸收 Phytoextraction and phytoaccumulation ;7植物修复的优点和缺点;限制(植物修复);1 植物对污染物的忍耐有限,超过忍耐范围就不能


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