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Lecture 3 Introduction to Electronic Communications (I);Backgrounds Text Tour Vocabulary Text Tour Difficult Point;Backgrounds;Electronic Communication System 电子通信系统;Samuel Morse 莫尔斯 ;Alxander Graham Bell 亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔;Guglielmo Marconi 古列尔莫·马可尼 ;Lee De Forest 德福雷斯特;Edwin Howard Armstrong 阿姆斯特朗 E.H.; R. Hartley R.哈特莱 ;C.E. Shannon C.E.香农;AM and FM 调幅和调频;;frequence-shift keying (FSK) 频移键控: 又称数字频率调制,它是用载波的频率来传送数字消息,即用所传送的数字消息控制载波的频率。二进制频移键控记作2FSK。2FSK信号便是符号“1”对应于载频 f1,而符号“0”对应于载频 f2,而且 f1与 f2之间的改变是瞬间完成的。 ;phase-shift keying(PSK) 相移键控 : 又称数字相位调制,与数字频率调制很相似。不过它的实现是通过改变发送波的相位而非频率,不同的相位代表不同的数据。二进制相移键控方式记作2PSK ,就是根据数字基带信号的两个电平(或符号)使载波相位在两个不同的数值之间切换的一种相位调制方法,两个载波相位通常相差180°。 ;ITU (International Telecommunications Union) 国际电信联盟;Text Tour; The fundamental purpose of an electronic communication system is to transfer information from one place to another. Thus, electronic communications can be summarized as the transmission, reception, and processing of information between two or more locations using electronic circuits. The original source information can be in analog (continuous) form, such as the human voice or music, or in digital(discrete) form, such as binary-coded numbers or alphanumeric codes. All forms of information, however, must be converted to electromagnetic energy before being propagated through an electronic communications system.;Vocabulary;Difficult Point;Difficult Point;Difficult Point; Samuel Morse(莫尔斯) developed the first electronic communications system in 1837. Morse used electromagnetic induction to transfer information in the form of dots, dashes, and spaces between a simple transmitter and receiver using a transmission line consisting of a length of metallic wire. He called his invention the telegraph. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell (贝尔)and Thomas A. Watson(沃森) were the first successfully transfer human conversation over a crude metallic wire communications system they called the telephone.;Vocabula


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