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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 无线温度检测装置设计 学 院: 信息科学与工程学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学 生: xxxxxxxxxxxx 学 号: xxxxxxxxxxxx 指导教师: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx 2014年 摘 要 温度是工业、农业生产中常见和最基本的参数之一,对其进行适时准确的测量具有重要意义。传统的温度测量系统不仅要设计信号调节电路,还要经过复杂的标准和标定工程,其测量精度难以得到保证,而且测量方式周期长、施工复杂,效率低,不便于管理,发生故障时,要耗费大量的人力物力排查和重新铺设线缆。因此设计一种低功耗的无线温度检测系统很有意义。本文提出一种采用单片机STC89C52RC控制DS18B20实现的无线温度测量系统。通过简单的无线通信协议,实现可靠性与功耗平衡,采用nRF24L01模块对采集到的温度数据进行无线传输,从而打破传统温度操作受到距离限制的缺陷。在经过软硬件测试后,我们基本实现了用温度传感器采集温度,用nRF24L01进行一定距离传输后在接受端的LCD1602上显示出来的模型。低功耗、实时性的无线温度检测是该设计的最大特点。 关键字: STC89C52RC,DS18B20,无线温度测量,NRF24L01 Abstract Temperature is a very common and one of the basic parameter in the production of industrial, agricultural. To timely and accurate measurement is of great significance. Traditional temperature measuring system need not only design signal conditioning circuit, but also a complex engineering standards and calibration, the measurement accuracy is difficult to be assured, and measurement period is long, the construction of complex, low efficiency, not easy to manage, when a failure occurs, it takes a lot of manpower and resources to investigatate and re-lay of cables. So to design a low-power wireless temperature detecting system is very meaningful. This paper presents a single-chip computer control DS18B20 to realize STC89C52RC wireless temperature measurement system. By a simple wireless communication protocol, the reliability and power balance are realized, nRF24L01 module temperature data collected by wireless transmission, thus breaking the distance limitations of traditional temperature operation. After software and hardware testing, we basically realize our LCD1602 target. Low power consumption and real-time wireless temperature detection are the biggest characteristic of this design. Key words: STC89C52RC, DS18B20, wireless temperature measurement, NRF24L01 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 设计的主要内容 1 1.2国内外研究的现状 2 1.2.1温度传感器技术的国内外研究动态 2 1


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