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PAGE 渤海大学 本科毕业论文 题 目:电路定理在电子线路中的应用 姓 名: 主 修 专 业: 物理学教育 所在院(系): 物理系 入 学 年 度: 完 成 日 期: 指 导 教 师: 电路定理在电子线路中的应用 渤海大学物理系 摘要:“电子线路”课程内容一般是从器件开始的,可是学生对线性电路分析的基本理论有所遗忘,导致他们从一开始就感觉到本课程难学。因此,为了解决学生对课程的为难情绪,本课程的讲授就会以“电路分析定理”课程相关内容为起点,先回顾该课程相关内容,打好理论基础,便于对本课程理路分析和理解。 “电子线路”是一门理论与实际紧密结合的电类专业基础课程。这门课程理论性强,实践性更强,难于理解。其中有关非线性器件的近似线性化处理,加之直交流混合激励的内容,使学生难以看清电路的本质。本文通过对电路定理在模拟电子线路中的应用的研究,使本门课程中的难点更容易理解。 本文将通过对叠加定理的应用条件、叠加定理在直交流电路、含受控源电路以及密勒定理的应用和戴维宁定理的应用条件,在含受控源电路的分析与讲解,阐述应用及应用电路定理时需要注意的地方。基尔霍夫电压、电流定理在线路中的应用。 关键词:电子线路;基尔霍夫电压、电流定律:叠加定理;线性电路;密勒定理;戴维宁定理;等效电路 Application of Circuit Theorem In Electronic Circuit Xuwei Department of Physics, Bohai Abstract: “Electronic circuitry ”course content generally begins with the device, but students usually forget the analysis of the basic theories in linear circuit, which bring them to feel this course is difficult to learn at the beginning. Therefore, in order to solve the students’ difficult feelings in the course, the teaching of this course will begin with the course of "circuit analysis theorem", in order to analyze and understand the course; we should review the curriculum relevant content and get hold of the foundation of the theory. "Electronic circuitry "is the electronic foundation course which is closely integrated theory with practice. The course has higher theory and practice, so it is very difficult to understand. The nonlinear device’s similar linearization process and direct communication with the morale of the content make it difficult for students to see the essence of a circuit. This paper make the difficult points easy to understand through The circuit of the law of the electronic circuitry the application of research. This paper states application and circuit on appl


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