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英汉翻译技巧 2 转换法 转换法是所有翻译中使用最广泛的方法。包括: 1词类转换 2句子成分转换 3语态转换 4 句型转换 一、词类转换 1.英语中具有动作含义的名词 汉语的动词 Ignorance of the law excuses no man. 不懂法不能成为任何人违法的理由。 The pursuit of perfection is the pursuit of sweetness of light. 追求完美就是追求美好和光明。 There is an unseemly exposure of the mind, as well as of the body. 一个人赤裸身体是不体面的;同样,暴露着思想也是不体面的。 I was ever of opinion, that the honest man who married and brought up a large family, did more service. 我一贯认为,那些结了婚、养育着大群子女的老实人所做的贡献,要比那些奢谈人口问题的单身汉大得多。 2.英语的一般动词 汉语名词 He behaves badly. 他的行为不端。 The knowledge advances by steps, and not by leaps. 知识的进步是稳步的,而不是跳跃的。 The scientific research in china is characterized by the integration of theory with practice. 中国科学研究的特点是理论联系实际。 Physical training resulted in his better health. 体育锻炼的结果是他的身体好起来了。 3、英语表示感觉和心里状态的形容词 汉语动词 They are quite content with the data obtained from the experiment. 他们对实验中所获得的数据相当满意。 If you are ignorant of the importance of translation, you will not like it. 假如不了解翻译的重要性,你就不会喜翻译。 We became aware of a peculiar smell in the room. 我们发现房间里有一股特别的气味。 4,英语形容词 汉语名词 This device is less practical. 这一装置的实用性较差。 Gasoline is appreciably volatile. 汽油的挥发性很强。 Beauty is only skin-deep. 美貌不过是皮相之物。 The first successful performance greatly encouraged the actors. 首场演出的成功极大地鼓舞了演员们。 5,英语形容词 汉语副词 I hold him in high estimation. 我很尊重他。 This is sheer mistake in designing. 这必定是设计上的错误。 Having taken a brief nap, the workers continuously joined in the battle for oil. 工人们稍微睡了一会,便又投入了石油会战。 In order to save expenditure, we must make full use of the existing equipment. 为了节省开支,我们必须充分利用现有设备。 6,英语名词 汉语形容词 As his maiden work, his novel is a success. 作为处女作,他的小说是成功的。 Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 在学习中独立思考是绝对必要的。 This new machine is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure. 这部新机器的主要特点是结构简单。 7,英语副词 汉语动词 The war was over. 战争结束了。 If a man receives no guests at home, when abroad he’ll have no hosts. 在家不


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