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Writing diction 杨科莹1120110230 刘清扬1120110217 The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is as great as that between lightning and the lighting bug. 用词准确与用词几乎准确,这两者之间的差异就如闪电与萤火虫之间的差异。” Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion: it is a courtesy to others, and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world. ---- The Reader’s Digest His eyes sparkled with delight when she came in His eyes twinkled with delight when she came in. And you are beautiful. You pop, sparkle and buzz electric. 你真漂亮。 你美丽出众,光芒四射。 If something sparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lot of very small points of light. 闪闪发光 例:His bright eyes sparkled. 他明亮的双眼炯炯有神。 发出火花,迸发火星: The flames leaped and sparkled. 火焰跳跃着迸发出火星。 sparkle with tears闪耀着泪花是固定搭配的用法。 Twinkle..同样是有闪烁的意思..就象有首儿歌里唱的那样"Twinkle...Twinkle..Little star..."一闪一闪亮晶晶... (眼睛因愉快、快乐而)闪光,闪亮: The boys eyes twinkled with mischief. 小男孩的眼睛闪烁着调皮的神情。 Contest (上下文) Culture (文化) Collocation (搭配) Connotation (内涵) Four “C” principle connotation England is a smaller country than China. Country主要指国土及国民; The President spoke on radio to the nation . Nation强调民族,种族; Should industry be controlled by the state ? state多指国家的政府及政府机构; China is my native land . land指国家虽不够精确,但更富有文学的色彩,比country一词带有更多的感情。 Contest (上下文) Culture (文化) Collocation (搭配) Connotation (内涵) Four “C” principle contest “生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江” “Far and wide trade booms;here andthere money comes”. “Home and abroad business thrives;hither and thither profit arrives”. 更好,因为这样用词较为庄重和古雅(hither and thither是here and there在古英语中的说法)。 Contest (上下文) Culture (文化) Collocation (搭配) Connotation (内涵) Four “C” principle collocation Foreign style -----big rain Native style -----heavy rain Different meaning apply for Id like to apply for a credit card. apply to The following suggestions apply to naming Con


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