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基于交通一体化的长三角航空网络规划 摘 要 长三角地区经济发展日新月异,人流出行及货物运输量也不断增长。航空运输作为现今最为安全快捷的运输方式,由于早期的规划不完善,无法满足不断扩大的运输市场。本文通过借鉴交通一体化的思路和目前世界普遍采用的航空枢纽构型,对长三角地区航空网络布局及综合交通运输方式进行优化。首先,通过查找相关文献,了解长三角地区现有的航空网络规划模式及布局,并分析阐述了长三角地区航空业发展的现状和不足;其次,结合相关专业知识,并通过一些思考,提出若干个对长三角地区航空网络进行规划的方案,整合整个长三角交通网络,扩大航空运输量和航空市场,提高了航空运输效率和流畅性;最后,通过平衡交通航空网络设计最优化模型对上述提出的方案进行检验。 关键词:交通一体化;航空枢纽;长三角;航空网络 AVIATION NETWORK PLANNING OF YANGTZE RIVER DELTA BASED ON UNIFYING TRANSPORTATION Student: LiMeng Instructs teacher: HeHang Abstract The economy of Yangtze delta developed so fast, the stream of people and transportation quantity of cargo are increasing. The aviation transportation as the best safe and fast transportation style can not content the enlarging transportation bazaar in now days, because inchoate programming is not thorough. In this paper, the aviation network of the Yangtze River delta is optimized via the thought of transportation quantities and aviation hubs configuration in current world. Fist, we realize the aviation network programming model and layout, then analyse actualities and disadvantages during the development of Yangtze River delta airline business. Second, we use relevant professional knowledge to put forward some planning to programme the Yangtze River delta aviation network. This planning enlarges the aviation transportation quantity and aviation bazaar, and enhance the efficiency and fluency of aviation transportation. Last, we use a model of optimizing equilibrium aviation transportation network in design to inspect the planning we made. Key words: Unifying transportation; Aviation hubs; The Yangtze River delta; aviation network 目 录 引言 5 1. 绪论 5 1.1 选题背景和意义 5 1.2交通一体化下区域航空网络规划的现状及发展 7 1.2.1 国外研究现状及发展 7 1.2.2 国内研究现状及发展 8 2. 本文相关概念阐述 8 2.1 交通一体化的概述 8 2.1.1 交通一体化的定义 8 2.1.2区域交通一体化的概念 8 2.1.3区域交通一体化的特点 9 2.2航空枢纽的概念 9 2.2.1枢纽的定义 9 2.2.2航空枢纽、中枢机场、枢纽机场、机场枢纽 9 2.3 一市多场的概述 10 2.3.1一市多场的定义 10 2.3.2“一市多场的范例 10 3长三角交通一


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