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单选5个 多选5个 名词解释2个 简答3个 论述1个 综合1个 认知心理学重点整理 第一章: 认知心理学是什么,主要研究的内容 认知心理学第二次革命 表征的概念,知道表征在大脑里的形式是怎样的 pp.4 ?Definion ?of ?Cognive ?Psychology What is CP? The scientific study of thinkingmind and is concerned with: –?How we attend to and gain informationabout the world –?How that information is stored andprocessed by the brain –?How we solve the problems, think, and formulate language ?How did Neisser (1967) regard cognition? CogniKon ?means ?all ?processes ?by ?which ?the sensory ?input ?is ?transformed, ?reduced, elaborated, ?stored, ?recovered, ?and ?used It is concerned with the internal processes involved in making sense of the environment, and decide what actionmight be appropriate (Eysenck, 2005) 认知心理学是对经由感知觉系统输入的刺激所进行的六种心理过程。包括:转换、缩减、 精细化(添加)、存储、提取和运用 Cognitive psychology is the psychologicalscience which studies cognition, the mental processes that are hypothesized to underlie behavior. This covers a broad range of researchdomains, examining questions about the workings of memory, attention, perception, knowledge representation, reasoning, creativityand problem solving。 George ?Miller引发认知革命(心理学上的第二次革命) The scope of CP(认知心理学的范围P13) ???Cognitive neuroscience ???Sensation/Perception ???Pattern recognition ???Attention ???Consciousness ???Memory/learning ???Imagery ???Cognitive development ???Representation of knowledge ???Language use ???Thinking and concept formation ???Decision making ???Problem solving ???Human and AI Representation表征 A representation is nothing more than someway of organizing, manipulating(操纵), and storing information. ?Because of the overlap between cognitive science and computer science, a cognitive representation is often discussed in the same terms as a computational data structure, or a set of such structures. 表征(representaKon)是信息在头脑中的呈现方式。 表征反映客观事物 ?表征又同时是加工的客体 心理表征:不同的形式相同的内容;相同的形式不同的内容 第二章: 神经系统的发生发展的基本规律 有两个角度从种系角度对比动物的发展趋势 从个体角度,从婴儿到成人的发展轨迹 神经系统的发生与发展 –?种系发生角度 1、脑容量 2、皮层褶皱 3、神经回路 4、初级感觉、运动皮层 体积与联合皮层体积:动物初级皮层的体积较大;人类高级皮层体积较大 –?个体发


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