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People’s Bank of China 倪祎彤(Nicole) 李佳颖(Blanche) 杨菀怡(Catharine) 夏雨晴(Ailsa) I. Introduction Nicole A?central bank,?reserve bank, or?monetary authority?is an institution that manages a state’s currency,?money supply, and interest rates. oversee the commercial banking system?of their respective countries. Examples : European Central bank?(ECB), the Bank of Japan, the?Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, the Federal Reserve?of the United States? and the People’s Bank of China. Central Bank The People’s Bank of China PBOC’s headquarters are in Beijing and Shanghai. The governor now is named ZhouXiaochuan. the?central bank?of the Peoples Republic of China control monetary policy and regulate financial institutions has more financial assets than any single public institution The People’s Bank of China History established : December 1, 1948 headquarters : ShiJiazhuang,HeBei 1950--1978:the PBC was the only bank in the Peoples Republic of China and was responsible for both?central banking?and?commercial banking?operations. 1980s:, the commercial banking functions of the PBC were split off into four independent but state-owned banks 1983:the State Council promulgated that the PBC would function as the central bank of China. 1998:the PBC underwent a major restructuring. 2003:the?Standing Committee of the Tenth National Peoples Congress?approved an amendment law for strengthening the role of PBC. The Peoples Bank of China (PBC) is the largest central bank at US$3.201 trillion. The People’s Bank of China 9 regional branches : Tianjin, Shenyang, Shanghai, Nanjing, Jinan, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xi’an. 2 operations offices : Beijing, Chongqing. 303 municipal sub-branches 1809 county-level sub-branches 6 overseas representative offices : (PBC Representative Office for America, PBC Representative Office (London) for Europe, PBC Tokyo Representative Office, PBC Frankfurt Representative Office, PBC Representative Office for Africa, Liaison Off


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