商务英语听说Lesson 910.ppt

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Lesson 9 Lesson 10 At the Hotel 房间种类 types of rooms 双 人 房 double room 标 准 房 standard room 双 床 房 twin room 高 级 房 superior room 商 务 房 executive room 套 房 suite ROOM SUPPLY switch 开关 hair dryer 吹风机 curtain 窗帘 desk lamp 台灯 night table 床头柜 television cabinet 电视柜 hanger 挂钩 standing lamp 地灯 plug 插头 quilt 被子 mattress 床垫 drawer 抽屉 cushion 靠垫,垫子 pillow 枕头 power socket 电源插座 nEW WORDS single a.单独的,单一的 spell v.拼写 reservation n.预定 bellman n.(旅馆等)男侍者 deliver v.交付 1.个别的; 一个个的; 每一个的 Every single house in town had been damaged. 镇上的每一座房子都被毁坏了。 ex.每一个人都能获得一份礼物。 single reserve reservation 1.预订 Ill reserve a table for five. 我要预订一个5人的餐位。 ex.预订房间请提前来电话。 reservation Please call ahead if you want to reserve a room. reserve reservation 2.储备;保存 You must reserve your strength for the tennis final. 你必须为网球决赛保存力量。。 ex.我们需要储备一些金钱来交学费。 reservation We need to reserve some money for the tuition. (邮件、货物等)投递,分发,送交; to deliver mails 投递邮件 to deliver a package 投递包裹 ex.我们把商品送交给客户。 deliver We deliver the goods/product to our customers. At the Hotel NEW WORDS aim n. [e?m] nerve n. [ n?:v ] fulfill v. [fulfil] smart a. [smɑ?t] appearance n. [ ?pi?r?ns ] aim of 旨在;瞄准;致力于… The aim of sth. is sth/to do sth. Development is the core aim of opening up strategy. 对外开放的核心目标是发展。 aim 1)神经,神经纤维 nerve cells Every nerve in her body was tense. nerve I need to drink a glass of water to calm/steady my nerves. 2)神经紧张 (nervous) Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance. 我需要喝一杯水要来缓解我的紧张。 to fulfil your dream / ambition / potential to fulfil a duty / obligation / promise 无论如何要完成计划。 fulfill We must fulfill the plan, whatever happens. H


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