高二上Unit 5 Reading 学案.doc

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高二上Unit 5 Reading 学案

Unit 5 Technology all around us A Reading: Virtual reality虚拟现实virtual adj. ①虚的, 虚拟的 virtual memory 虚拟内存 virtual image 虚拟图像 ②实质的, [物]有效的, 事实上的 She is the virtual president, thought her title is secretary. 虽然她的头衔是秘书,她是实际上的董事长。练习: 借助虚拟现实可以进行很多危险的操作。 by means of A lot of dangerous operations can be carried out by means of virtual reality. 短暂的经济好转并未对老百姓带来实质的好处。 restore Short-term restored prosperity didnt bring virtual benefit for the general public. virtually adv. 实际上, 事实上: My books virtually finished. 我的书实际上已写完了。 reality n. (-ties)真实;现实;实在 ← real adj. → really adv. escape from reality 逃避现实 in reality 现实中 turn … into a reality / realities 把…变成现实练习: 我们只有面对现实。 can not but We cant but face the reality. 现实中, 事情总是出乎意料地发生。 expectation In reality, things always happen out of expectation. 很多神话 fairy tales 已经变成了现实。 turn A lot of fairy tales have been turned into realities. Only 50 years ago, computers were bigger than people. Today, people can carry their laptops with them anywhere they go. Soon, we may be able to step inside a computer world thanks to the magic of virtual reality. carry … with sb 随身带着…练习: 他不管到什么地方,总带着一只包。He carries a bag with himself wherever he goes. carry with sth 进行、继续练习: 我们所需要的是足够的资金来继续我们的工作。All we need is enough money to carry with our work. 以下几个介词短语中,只有due to可以作表语: thanks to, due to, owing to 都是“由于,因为,归因于”的意思。练习: 幸亏连续的晴天,运动会得以顺利进行。The Games have been going on thanks to the continuous fine days. 昨天的事故是由于高速开车而引起的。The accident that happened yesterday was due to driving at high speed. … that It was thanks to his advice that I succeeded. 其中,owing to来自于动词短语owe sth to sb。如: The young writer owed his success to his teachers encouragement. 年轻作家把自己的成功归于他老师的鼓励。 magic n. / adj. 魔力,魔法;有魔力的 magic power 魔力 They are so close to your eyes that your mind will see the image as one picture, and you will believe that you have entered a different world. see … as … 把…视为…: Can I see your reply as a yes to our request? 我可以把你的答


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