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耐硫变化废热锅炉自动控制系统工程设计 摘要 本设计是耐硫变换废热锅炉三冲量控制系统的设计,研究表明,在合成氨工厂中,能源成本占到了运行成本的绝大部分比例,而废热锅炉正有回收利用能量功能,因此学习设计它的控制很有必须性;再者,废热锅炉汽包液位控制和其他简单的单容液位控制很不一样,因为其液位特性会受蒸汽流量等的影响,所以也有学习设计的必要性。 本设计分了五部分来说明整个设计过程,分别是绪论、控制方案的选择、阀门孔板的计算、仪表选型和组态王的操作。绪论总体叙述了合成氨的现状以及废热锅炉相关的控制方案;控制方案的选择部分包括了总的耐硫变换的工艺流程和控制方案的选择;阀门孔板的计算则是孔板阀门的具体计算过程;仪表选型主要介绍了仪表选型的理由;最后一部分则说明了自己所涉及的组态王的操作方法。 关键字:废热锅炉、 控制、 汽包液位 The Waste Heat Boiler Automatic Control System Engineering Design of sulfur tolerant shift Abstract This design is the sulfur tolerant shift three impulse control system design of waste heat boiler, studies have shown that in the synthetic ammonia plant, energy costs accounted for most of the running cost, and waste heat boiler is recycled energy function, so learning design of its control is of great necessity; Moreover, waste heat boiler drum level control and other simple single level control is very different, because the level characteristics will be affected by steam flow rate and so on, so there are the necessity of learning design. This design is divided into five parts to explain the process of the whole design, respectively is the introduction, the choice of control scheme, the valve orifice calculation, selection of instrument and the operation of the kingview. The introduction of synthetic ammonia are reviewed overall status and the related control scheme of waste heat boiler, The choice of control scheme consists of a general resistance to sulfur transformation process and the choice of control scheme; The valve orifice calculation calculation is the orifice of the valve; Instrument selection mainly introduces the reason of instrument selection; Last part has explained his involved in the operation method of kingview. KEYWORD : waste heat boiler, control, drum level 目录 摘要 1 1绪论 5 1.1氨的用途及合成氨现状 5 1.2耐硫变换中废热锅炉控制系统介绍 5 2控制方案的选择 7 2.1工艺流程介绍 7 2.2控制方案选择 8 2.2.1汽包液位特性 8 2.2.2三冲量控制系统 9 2.2.3 DCS控制系统的选择 10 2.2.4 PID控制的选择 11 2.2.5控制点的选择 12 3调节阀孔板计算 13 3.1调节阀计算 13 3.2孔板的计算 14


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