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中小学教师高级职称晋升 英语学科全英辩论试题 n:平心而论,在所有职称晋级的学科中,英语学 科是最需要专业知识的,由于英语学科教师在晋升高级职称讲课 辩论时,需要全英式教学和答题,让不少晋升英语学科的教师会 产生或多或少的恐惧感。其实只要按照以下材料(这些材料是根 据我晋升高级职称时的亲身经历,并求教了十几位通过英语高级 职称晋升的前辈同行,研究摸索出了五十多道英语高级职称晋升 辩论常涉及到的辩论试题,经过实践,效果显著!)去认真准备 讲课辩论,可以毫不夸张地讲,您一定会顺利通过英语学科高级 职称的晋升。 为了方便大家阅读,更加全面、透彻地理解掌握辩论试题, 本材料采用了英汉两种版本比照行文,分两个篇章呈现给大家。 您可以根据自己的需要进行有选择性地下载阅读! 方法。去了解孩子们真 正感兴趣的东西。 方法。去了解孩子们真 正感兴趣的东西。 .你要善于发现每 个学生的优点,用正确 的方式去表扬他们。 .培养学习兴趣和 良好习惯。 18.在你的班上,如果 一些学生的英语很好, 但另一些很差,你会怎 么做? .找到一些学生 好,一些学生差的原因。 根据不同的原因,找出 解决的方法老师应该对 每个学生有耐心,而不 是根据他们的分数来判 断。 .如果原因是一些 学生认为这一课太难了。 我想我应该改变内容, 设置更多的基础练习。 have experience,to learn the teaching methools.To learn what the children really interest. .You should be good at finding the advantage of every student, and use right way to praise them. .To Raise the interest and good habits in studying. In your class, if some students1English is very good, but others i s very poor, what wi I I you do? l.Find the reason why some students is good,some is poor. according to different reason,find the solution.no matter how,a teacher should be patient to every students,not judge by their scores. 2.If the reason is some students think the lesson is too difficult.! think I should change the contents,set more You should be good at finding the advantage of every student, and use right10 basic exercises. 3.If the reason is they dont like English,! should develop their interest. What are the good habits for kids to learn Eel ish A. the good habits of ? listening/saying/reading/vwriting Raise the interest and good habits in studying. Reading procedure: .Read the questions, then look over the article quickly with the questions. Dont forget to draw out the knowledge^amderstand. .Read it again and try to find out some expressions.3.Translate the article and check the answers. 21.The three elements of the object c I ause : l.Connectives 2.the word order of declarat 3.The response of Tense. 简称:Guide words word order Tense The relativepronouns:what,which,who,whose,whom 3.如果原因是他们 不喜欢英语,我应该培


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