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北京市新英才学校国际学生入学申请表 International Application Form of BEIJING NEW TALENT ACADEMY 英文姓名: 姓 Name in English Surname Given name 中文姓名: 性别: 男  女 Name in Chinese Sex: M. F. 出生日期: 月 日 国籍/地区: Date of birth YYYY MM DD Nationality / Region 外国学生填 For Foreign Citizen 护照号码: 有效期至: 月 日 Passport No. Valid until YYYY MM DD 签证号码与种类: 有效期至: 月 日 Visa No. type Valid until YYYY MM DD 港、澳、台学生填 For Resident from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan 港澳台居民往来内地通行证号码: No. of Hong Kong / Macau / Taiwan Residents to and from Mainland China Permit 此前就读学校的名称、城市: Name city of previous school 计划在力迈学习时间: 从 年 月到 年 月 入读年级: Study duration in Limai from YYYY MM to YYYY DD Entry grade 父亲姓名与职业: 母亲姓名与职业: Father’s name occupation Mother’s name occupation 通信地址: 邮政编码: Mail address in native country Post code 电话: 传真: 电邮: Telephone Fax E-mail address 监护人姓名: 国籍: 性别: 男  女 Guardians name Nationality Sex: M. F. 身份证/护照号码: ID card / passport No. Residence Permit No. 在京地址: 邮政编码: Address in Beijing Post code 电话: 传真: 电邮: Telephone Fax E-mail address 学生签字: : 月 日 Student’s signature Application date YYYY MM DD 国际学生入学注册文件/清单 Registration Documents/Checklist of International Students 国际学生以入境中国所凭证件登记身份,并填写入学申请表。 International Student shall register his/her status and complete the International Application Form according to the entry document in China. □ 外国学生出示护照原件,并提供护照页、签证页、入境签章页的复印件; A foreign citizen shall show his/her original passport, and provide the copies of the passport, visa entry chop; □ 港、澳、台学生出示往来内地通行证,并提供复印件(护照等其它证件一律无效)。 resident from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan shall show the To and From Mainland China Permit, and provide its copy other documents such as passport for example are invalid . □ 国际学生应提供以前所在学校出具的转学证明与成绩单(中文或英文),作为建立学籍档案与安排班级的凭据。 International Student shall provide the Transfer Certificate Transcript from the previous school in Chinese or English as the foundation of enrollment files and class arr


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