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Mismatch between teacher and student perception Mismatch the perceived purpose of the task used for learning new material. can act as a springboard(跳板) for further learning. important to the development of an integrated and generative knowledge base interacts with The assessment of it can offer valuable information. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE can be explained as a combination of the learners preexisting attitudes, experiences, and knowledge. For teachers: 3.2.1 Can the activation of prior knowledge cause learning problem? Yes, Ss’ informal knowledge and learning: (inaccurate knowledge base interefers with the retention of new information) Incongruent knowledge: (distort the info. presented in the congruent text to make it consistent with their own knowledge ) 3.2.1 Can the activation of prior knowledge cause learning problem? Two points we wish to make here(for teachers): Make clear what Ss’informal knowledge is before teaching new concepts. Alter Ss’misconceptions at which their formal knowledge is likely to conflict with teaching. 3.3 Strategies to help learning Chunking: EVLEWTSIEMITEHT THETIMEISTWELVE THE TIME IS TWELVE chunking long and complex material into more meaningful units Story-grammar training: Who is the main character? When and where did the story end? What did the main character do? How did the story end? How did the main character feel? Self-questioning: SQ3R(survey,question,read,recite,review) PQ4R(preview,question,read,reflect,recite,review) Summarisation: 3.4 Learning non-meaningful material (1)Chunking (2)using mental imagery Mnemonic devices: Rhymes: An Ode or Rhyme Mnemonic puts information in the form of a poem. Acronyms: Acrostics:(离合诗(数行诗句中的首或尾字母等能组合成词或词组等的一种杂诗体);首字母组合词.) It involves taking the first letter of each word to form a new word or sentence. A famous acrostic for the pl


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