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“How to separate fact and fiction online”/talks/markham_nolan_how_to_separate_fact_and_fiction_online.html/movie/2013/2/6/5/M9234CLVQ_M9234HT65.html英文文本Ive been a journalist now since I was about 17, and its an interesting industry to be in at the moment, because as you all know, theres a huge amount of upheaval going on in media, and most of you probably know this from the business angle, which is that the business model is pretty screwed, and as my grandfather would say, the profits have all been gobbled up by Google.So its a really interesting time to be a journalist, but the upheaval that Im interested in is not on the output side. Its on the input side. Its concern with how we get information and how we gather the news. And thats changed, because weve had a huge shift in the balance of power from the news organizations to the audience. And the audience for such a long time was in a position where they didnt have any way of affecting news or making any change. They couldnt really connect. And thats changed irrevocably.My first connection with the news media was in 1984, the BBC had a one-day strike. I wasnt happy. I was angry. I couldnt see my cartoons. So I wrote a letter. And its a very effective way of ending your hate mail: Love Markham, Aged 4. Still works. Im not sure if I had any impact on the one-day strike, but what I do know is that it took them three weeks to get back to me. And that was the round journey. It took that long for anyone to have any impact and get some feedback. And thats changed now because, as journalists, we interact in real time. Were not in a position where the audience is reacting to news. Were reacting to the audience, and were actually relying on them. Theyre helping us find the news. Theyre helping us figure out what is the best angle to take and what is the stuff that they want to hear. So its a real-time thing. Its much quicker. Its happening on a constant basis, and the journalist is always playing catch up.To give an example


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