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BEC高级改错题总结 一般出现的语法错误有:多余的介词,形容词,副词,冠词等,还有一些是对固定搭配、时态等错误的考查。 For each sentence, find the unnecessary word. If there is no mistake in the sentence, write correct. 1 They use their time more productively and are less stressed. Correct 2 Even though it is not yet clear how big the contract will be, but it is expected to grow steadily as more and more management training is gradually outsourced. 英语中以even though(虽然)引导表示让步的状语从句,主句不再加but。 3 Staying with a host family gives participant even more of exposure to the target language and 4 helps them to make immediate use of the language they have learned. Correct 形容词more后面直接跟名词。 Even more exposure to … 5 It also provides an opportunity for them to make work with their counterparts. work 在此不作“网络”解。该词在现代商务英语中可作动词,意为“建立人际网或关系网”。其名词为working(人际网,关系网) 6 With a reference to your letter dated 13 November… With reference to (就…., 关于….)是固定搭配,不可随意添加冠词。 7 This can help them to achieve their learning objectives. Correct Help sb. to do something 8 It was also found that inflexible working hours are a certain major grievance among staff at all levels. Certain作定语表示“某个,某种”, 在文中与前后词缺乏语义上的贯通。此句意为“在各级员工中最主要的不满是死板的工作时间。” 9 Octacon suspects that a disgruntled employee who has been leaking crucial details to their petitor. 这里has been leaking充当suspect后面宾语从句的谓语,不存在定语从句关系。 10 This would be illegal, of course, but without a proof there is little Octacon can do. Proof 作“证据”,总称为不可数名词。 11 This is how done by “scanning”, passing each item over a device reads the bar-code on it and automatically registers it down in the till. 文中的意思是“扫描之后自动登录”, 在这里“register”是及物动词,后面不需要加副词真的不掉线吗??、???????????? down. 12 They provide bags, often help to pack purchases, and change paper till rolls as being necessary. 句中“as necessary” 是“as it is necessary”的省略形式,一般使用过程中只需用“as necessary” 可以表达相同的意思,所以“being”是多余的。 13 Working overseas can offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity to live. Correct 14 Worki


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