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第八讲:词类转换 译例导入 The use of atomic weapons is a clear violation of the international law. 使用核武器显然违反国际法 名词转为动词(汉语动词用的多,是组句表意的核心) 通常,这个名词是由“动词+后缀”转化而来 Mary is a crazy lover of pop music. Mary酷爱流行音乐 She is a famous singer. 她是著名的歌唱家 Some of my friends are really good singers. 我的一些朋友唱歌的确很棒 John used to be a chain-smoker. John过去抽烟很厉害,一支接一支 An acquaintance of the cultures of the English-speaking countries is very helpful to translation. 了解一下英语国家的文化对于翻译很有帮助 The local government called for the establishment of more such technical schools. 当地政府呼吁创办更多这样的技术学校 He taught me the value of an opportunity. 他教会我要珍惜每一次机会 The sight of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower always fills the people in Shanghai with pride. 看到东方明珠,上海人心中总是充满了自豪感 He gave his friends a vivid description of his first year’s life in the university. 他向朋友们生动地描述了他第一年的大学生活 His girlfriend gave him a black look and left. 女朋友瞪了他一眼,然后离开了 介词转化为动词 We drove home a bit after midnight, over the river and through the lovely sleeping old town. 时过午夜,我们驱车回家,先过了河,又穿过了这个酣睡中的古老而可爱的城市 We often go to work by the shuttle bus. 我们经常乘班车上班 It is not good to go to bed on a full or an empty stomach. 吃得太饱或者空腹都不宜上床睡觉 The boss sat by his desk amid the morning mails. 老板坐在办公桌前处理早晨的邮件 He was between sheets by eleven. 11点钟时他已经躺在被窝里了 The dog is on the chain. 狗用链子锁着 The boy slipped on a banana skin. 男孩踩上一块香蕉皮,滑了一下 She inspected the table for dust with her fingers. 她用手指摸摸桌面,检查是否有灰尘 形容词转化动词 If we are ignorant of the culture of a language, we can never be a real master of it. 如果我们对语言背后的文化一无所知,就不可能真正掌握这门语言 He said it was an informative meeting. 他说这次会议上透露了不少消息 I am quite sure that I will defeat John this time. 我坚信这次我一定能够打败John They were suspicious and resentful of the newcomer. 对于新来的这个人,他们不但不信任,还讨厌他 副词转化动词 She opened the window to let the fresh air in. 她打开窗户好让新鲜空气进来 When she came back, she found all the lights on. 她回来时,发现所有的灯都亮着 动词转译名词 通常这个动词是由“名词+后缀”转化而来 Formality has always characterized their relationship. 他们之间的关系,有一个特点,那就是以礼相待 A well-dres


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