复习unit2 doc.doc

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复习unit2 doc

第 周 总第 35- 36 节 执笔教师胡萌萌 审核领导 学习内容:Review Unit2 Keeping Healthy 学习目标1,复习第一节,掌握情态动词 should ‘had better 的用法 2,复习第二节,掌握情态动词 may must ,can 的用法。 3,复习第三节,学会如何描述疾病。给出建议。 学习活动过程 Topic 1 重点词组: have a bad/terrible cold 患(重)感冒 have a toothache/backache/headache/stomachache 牙痛/背痛/头痛/胃痛 see a dentist/doctor 看牙医/医生 have a cough/fever 患咳嗽/发高烧 have the flu 得了流感 have sore eyes 眼睛发炎 have a sore throat 喉咙发炎 take/have a good rest(好好)休息 sleep well 睡得好 drink a lot of boiled water多喝开水 lift heavy things 提重物 stay in bed 呆在床上 have a good sleep 好好睡一觉 feel terrible 感到难受 take sb. to… 带某人去…… take some medicine/ pills 吃药 day and night 日日夜夜 bad luck 倒霉 lie down 躺下 hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶 brush one’s teeth 刷牙 have an accident 出了事故/意外 send sb. to…. 送某人去 not…until… 直到……才….. get well 恢复健康 plenty of… 充足;大量 take off your coat 脱掉你的大衣 二,重点句型 You should see a dentist.你应该看牙医。 You shouldn’t lift heavy things.你不应该提重物。 You look pale. 你看起来气色不好,很苍白. You’d better go to see a doctor. 你最好去看医生. You’d better not go to school today. 今天你最好不要去上学. Thank you for your flowers and fruit. 谢谢你送来的鲜花和水果. I couldn’t read them until today. 直到今天我才读了他们. Topic 2 重点词组: look tired 看起来很累 watch a soccer game on TV在电视上观看一场足球赛 stay up 熬夜 keep long fingernails 留长指甲 wash hands before meals 饭前洗手 play sports right after meals 饭后适当运动 take a fresh breath 呼吸新鲜空气 be necessary for… 对于…是必不可少的 keep you acti使你保持精力旺盛 in the daytime 在白天 throw litter about乱扔垃圾 get enough sleep得到足够的睡眠 exercise on an empty stomach 空腹锻炼 without eating anything need to do sth 需要做某事 get into 进入 keep the air clean and fresh 保持空气清新 eat bad food 吃变质食物 sweep the floors 打扫地板 as we know 众所周知 have the right kinds of food吃正确种类的(健康的)食品 oose the wrong food选择错误的(不健康的)食品 二、重点句型 I see. Staying up late is bad for your health. 我明白了. 熬夜有害你的健康. 动名词短语做主语 2. How did Wang Jun get a headache? 王俊怎样患上头痛的? Is going to bed early good or bad for your health? It’s good. 早点睡觉对你的健康有益还是有害? 有益. 选择问句要根据事实回答 Walking


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