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Book6 Module5导与学

Book6 Module5导与学 Module 5 Cloning Section 1词语荟萃 导与学 1.terrify vt. 使恐怖;使惊吓.吓坏 The animals were terrified by the storm. 动物被风暴吓坏了。 She terrified his children with ghost stories. 她讲鬼故事吓坏了他的孩子。 【拓展】 terrified adj.(对某人,某事物)感到恐惧的,很害怕的。 terrifying adj.可怕的 2. wrinkle 1)n.皱纹;决窍.关键 Grandfather has many wrinkles on his face. 祖父脸上有许多皱纹。 She’s beginning to get wrinkles around her eye. 她眼角卜开始出现破纹。 (2)n使皱.起破 My dress wrinkles easily. 我的衣服容易皱。 The paper has wrinkled where it got wet. 这张纸湿的地方起铍梢。 【拓展】 wrinkled adj. 有皱纹的,显出 (1)v. ①追捕;追逐;追赶;追查 The boy chased the dog. 男孩追狗。 The Johnson’s cat like to chase the mice as if it were playing with them. 约翰逊家的猫喜欢追逐老鼠.好像它在跟着他们闹着玩似的。 ②露骨地向某人求爱 He’s always chasing women. 他不断追求女人。 (2)n.追捕;追逐;追赶.追击 The criminal was caught after a car chase. 开着汽车追来追去才把罪犯追上。 【拓展】 (1)give chase追赶,从事对猎物的追逐 Police gave chase to the speeding car. 警察追赶那辆超速行驶的轿车。 (2)chase about/around向某方向急奔 (3)chase sb./sth.away赶走,驱赶 (4)chase sth.up追查或催促某事物 4.disgust (1)n. 厌恶;恶心;憎恶 The smell filled me with disgust. 这股气味使我作呕。 What a disgusting smell! 多么令人作呕的气味! (2)v.使厌恶;使作呕 The bad fish had a disgusting smell. 这条坏鱼有一股令人作呕的气味。 【拓展】 disgusted adj.极为气愤的 disgustedly adv.反感地,厌恶地 5.refuse (1)v.拒绝,回绝,不接受 She refused to help me. 她不肯帮助我。 Joan’s mother refused to let her go abroad. 琼的母亲不答应让她出国。 The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. 这只大钟不愿迎接新年。 (2)n.废料;垃圾;废物 kitchen refuse厨房的垃圾 【拓展】 (1)refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 She refused to tell me about the secret. 她拒绝告诉我她的秘密。 (2)refuse只接不定式,不接动名词作宾语。这类动词还有:decide,promise.plan,wish.hope,expect,pretend,demand,agree,seem,happen等。 He refused to work for her. 他拒绝为她工作。 He decided to do some experiments. 他决定做一些试验。 (3)refuse不接不定式的复合宾语,也不接宾语从句.如不说:He refused me to go(going)there.而应说He didn’t allow me t


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