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(一) I have a problem, and I 1 need your help. I always thought I 2 be popular at school. But I just found out that my friends 3 plan a birthday party for my best friend, and they didn’t invite me. Everyone else in my class 4 invite except me, and I don’t know why. I can’t think what I did wrong. I’m very upset and don’t know what 5 do . What do you think? Can you help me? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (二) My cousin is the same age as me. She 1 be really nice, and we get on well, but she always 2 borrow my things. Last week, she 3 borrow my math book and 4 not return it .So I 5 not do my homework. I don’t know what 6 do .Could you please 7 give me some advice? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (三) I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten o’clock in the morning, I 1 walk down the street when a UFO 2 land right in front of me. You 3 imagine how strange it was. An alien 4 get out and walked down Center Street. I followed it 5 see where it 6 go , and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. While it 7 look at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (四) Linda loves her dog Davy. They 1 go to New York City last Saturday. While Linda 2 buy a newspaper at the train station, the dog 3 get out of his box and ran away. The station was crowded and Linda 4 not see Davy anywhere. 1. 2. 3. 4. (五) Dear grandma, How’s it 1 go ? I hope that grandpa 2 be well now. I was sorry 3 hear that he had a cold last week. I 4 finish my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today. I always 5 get nervous when I see the envelope from school, but lucky I did OK this time. I had a hard time 6 learn science this semester, and I 7 be not surprised 8 find that my worse report was from my science teacher. She said I 9 be lazy. My Spanish teacher said my 10 listen was good. 1. 2. 3. 4.



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