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北京汇佳职业学院 毕业论文 Function of the Advertising in the Goods Sales (三号times new roman) 系 别: ____ 英 语 系____ 专 业:_____商 务 英 语___ 班 级:_____07级 2 班____学 生 姓 名:__ __ 指导老师姓名:_ _ 论文完成日期:2010 年___月__日【Abstract】 The advertising becomes more important because of the care and feedback from consumers during marketing promotion, or called the goods sales. So, all the advertisers would like their advertisings to be trendy and competitive. It’s important that how to certain the function of the advertising in the goods sales and set up the creative and persuasive advertising. In this thesis, we will study how to improve the sales by taking advantage of the function of advertising from the advertising promotional means of P&G..(小四号字) (空一行) 【摘要】:在商品推广中,也可以说是商品销售中,因广告得到买家关注和反馈而变得十分重要,所以广告主希望自己的广告示新潮具有竞争力的。如何把握广告在商品销售中的作用,从而制定具有创意并具有说服力的广告,便十分重要。在这篇论文中,从宝洁的广告促销手段方面着手,谈及广告如何在商品销售中发挥作用,提高销售额。(五号宋体) Outline(小四号字加粗) 1. Introduction 2. The function of the modern advertising (小四号字加粗) 2.1 Spreading product information(小四号字) 2.2 Leading consuming behavior 2.2.1 Stirring desire to purchase 2.2.2 Promoting the goods sales 2.2.3 Establishing the enterprise image 2.2.4 Perfecting the management (空一行) 3. The relation between the advertising and the consumers (小四号字加粗) 3.1 Attracting the attention 3.2 Disseminating the goods information 3.3 Emotional appealing 3.4 Being persuading 3.5 Guiding customers behavior 3.6 Creating fashion (空一行) 4. The advertising appealing strategy (小四号字加粗) 4.1 Rational advertising appeal 4.2 Emotional advertising appeal 4.3 Rational & emotional appeal (空一行) 5. The advertising strategic decision (小四号字加粗) 5.1 Deciding the advertising target 5.2 Deciding message content and originality 5.3 Advertising effect 5.4 Advertising marketing of P&G Advertising principles 5.5 Advertising creative strategy (空一行) 6. Conclusion (小四号字加粗) (文内均采用1.5倍行距) 1. Introduction (四号字加粗) (空两格)The advertising is the aid, publ


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