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本科生毕业论文(设计) 中文题目 内蒙古移动CMNET网络建设方案探讨 英文题目 Study of Inner Mongolia mobile CMNET network construction scheme 学生姓名 班级 19 学号 学 院 通信工程学院 专 业 通信工程 指导教师 职称 要 移动通信技术已经逐步成为21世纪通信领域的具有巨大经济价值的技术,并且随着科技的不断发展和进步,CMNET(中国移动互联网)已经开始走进用户的日常生活,CMNET是QoS(服务质量)CMNET作为中国移动互联网业务和移动数据业务的承载平台提供各种业务的接入和承载。伴随着中国移动大力发展宽带接入业务,网络用户数量、业务类型和流量的急剧增加,中国移动急需对现有的CMNET网络进行扩容,在满足业务需要和发展的同时,还应具备对用户以及流量分布的精确统计及预测能力,并要保证移动互联网的相对安全性。本文从业务发展及流量增长两个方面对CMNET流量进行预测,综合考虑预测结果后得出相应结论。将从流量的分析与控制,安全机制,P2P的缓存机制与方法等几个方面来研究本期内蒙古移动CMNET网络建设方案,并进行可行性的分析。 关键词 CMNET 网络建设 流量的分析与控制 安全机制 Abstract Mobile communication technology has gradually become the 21st century has great economic value in the field of communications technology, and with the continuous development and progress of science and technology, CMNET (China mobile Internet) have begun to walk into the daily life of the use.CMNET is located in an open information network, is a part of the global Internet, bearing on the safety and QoS(Quality of Service)requirements is not high relative to the business. Today, the Internet business and mobile services have been the perfect combination, people can experience the Internet on their mobile terminal services, the convenient user at the same time, also brought new opportunities and challenges for China mobile. CMNET as the bearing platform of China Mobile Internet services and mobile data services provides access to all kinds of business and bearing. Along with the development of China Mobile Broadband Access Services vigorously, a sharp increase in the number of Internet users, service types and traffic, network core layer network bandwidth can not meet the needs of business development, China mobile need to existing CMNET network expansion, to meet business needs and the development at the same time, also should have for users and accurate statistics


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