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7.索赔函 Claim Letters 索赔函的写作方法: 1.索赔函应有礼有节,有据有证地提出赔偿要求,证据要有分量。 2.开头:说明索赔原因。 3.中间:说明期望补偿的办法。 4.收信人要具体,并抄送给总裁。 5.警告语。 Text three sales contract销售合同 telex电传 consignment托运的货物 substandard不够标准的,在标准以下的 on the strength of 基于,依据 register claim提出索赔 GB£英磅 survey report调查报告 settlement解决 Text four TM --- trade mark 商标 fuel consumption油耗 instructions使用说明书/操作指南 indicator指示器 instrument panel仪表板 E-C 1.We reserve the right to claim damages.我们保留赔偿损失的权利。 2.We are not willing to accept goods which differ from your samples.我公司不愿接受与你样品不符的货物。 3.We are very sorry to inform you that your last shipment is not up to your usual standard. 贵方运到的最后一船产品不符合原来标准,特此奉告。 4.We would like to submit this claim to arbitration. 本公司要将索赔一事提出仲裁。 5.If the cargoes cannot be found within a few days, we will file our claim for the full settlement of them. ? 若数日内货物不能运到,我们就提出全额清偿索赔。 E-C 6.This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging a claim with you. 这批货的质量低于合同规定的标准,现向你方提出索赔。 7.There is a difference of 35 tons between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight of this consignment. 这批货的实际重量和发票上的重量相差35吨。 8.It is natural that you should be responsible for all the losses resulting from the delay shipment. 当然,你方应对延误装运造成的一切损失负责。 9.Upon examination, we found you have sent us the wrong goods. 通过检查,我们发现你方发错了货。 C-E 1.你方所提供的证明是不充分的(inadequate) ,因此我方不能考虑你方的索赔要求。 2.如因人力不可抗拒的事故(force majeure),以致延期交付或无法交货时,我们不负任何责任。 3.因货物装船时,箱子是完整无损的,我们歉难接受你方索赔。 4.如双方协商不能解决争执(dispute)时可提交(submit)仲裁(arbitration)。 Key to Exercises 1.The evidence you have provided is inadequate, therefore, we cannot consider your claim as requested. 2. We shall not be held responsible for any delay in shipment or nondelivery of the goods due to force majeure. 3.We regret being unable to accept your claim because the cases were in perfect condition when the goods were loaded on board the ship. 4.In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case under dispute shall be submitted for arbitrat


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