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gambit学习手记(转贴朋友总结的) USERS GUIDE 一章发上来,以后陆续会把其他的发上来 USERS GUIDE 1 introduction 一.format 1.Graphic format 1)Control elements allow you to perform operations such as executing actions and operations, choosing from among a given set of options, and inputting alphanumeric data 2)toolpad command buttons located on the upper and lower right portions of the GUI 2.Layout format 二.font 2 STARTING GAMBIT 一.Startup Command Options 1)gambit -doc 启动本地网页浏览器打开用户手册 example:gambit -doc 2)gambit -help ?显示可用的启动选项 example:gambit -help 3 gambit -dev driver 4 gambit -def filename 5 gambit -geom 按像素定义启动窗口大小 example:gambit -geom 1000 800 6)gambit -id id example:gambit 系统此时会以默认的default_id给文件一个标识 or: gambit -id jxw 7 gambit -in filename 8 gambit -res filename 9 gambit -new 默认的启动方式都是新文件) example: gambit -id jxw -new gambit -id jxw 10 gambit -old example: gambit -id gambit_data/3_pipe -old note: gambit_data目录必须在ntx86 二.GAMBIT File Organization 1 Session Files .jou .trn .dbs 2 Directory Structure working Directory ? 存放.jou .trn .dbs文件的临时目录,程序保存退出后删除 Source ?Directory ? 与gambit启动目录是相同的位置,如d:\gambit_v1.3\ntbin\ntx86\ Scratch Directory ? 与gambit启动目录是相同的位置,如d:\gambit_v1.3\ntbin\ntx86\ home ? ?Directory 3 GUI 一.GUI Components 二.GUI Control Elements 三.Using the Mouse 1)mouse on Menus and forms ?require only left and right buttons left button: Open the menu associated with an item on the main menu bar Select a menu command Execute the operation indicated on a command button Select an option from a list of mutually exclusive radio buttons Open the hidden menu for an option button Select an option from an option-button menu Open or close a pick-list form Enable a text box for entering data ? Highlight an item in a list Relocate drag a form on the GUI right button: Open a menu of options available by means of a multifunction toolpad command button Open a hidden menu of options 2)Graphics Window ?在图形窗口鼠标可以完成三种任务 ?a 产生VERTEX ? Ctrl-right-click ?b 显示图形 ? ?


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