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题 目 基于驾驶行为分析的车辆管理信息系统的开发 姓 名 张森 学 号 1210831216 所在学院 经济与管理学院 专业班级 12信管2 指导教师 余凌 日 期 2016年5月10日 摘 要 信息技术在企业各公司的激烈竞争当中有着举足轻重的作用。经营汽车销售的企业已经十分重视车辆信息管理的作用,并将其作为运营销售过程中重要的一环。它在某些方面可以有效的监督客户信息和车辆违纪以及检修情况。它方便了企业对车辆信息的有效掌握和及时处理,同事它也是一项重要商业活动参考的依据。现今的车辆管理信息系统还不完善甚至有着较大的不便和不全面。所以需要做进一步完善,使它更符合用户的需求。 本系统中我们制定了一系列管理操作完成车辆注册和精简信息。该系统在安全和维护方面有着明显的进步和完善。在驾驶行为分析的基础上满足汽车销售企业对客户信息的了解,从而有效的完成汽车销售及售后服务。从某种意义上来说,它可以使公司方便控制各类车辆信息,做出相应的措施和调整,可以将计算机的能力发挥的更好。有效的提升公司运作效率。 关键词:efficiency,效率提升 Abstract In recent years, along with the business enterprise the competition of each other is gradually vigorous; the information technique occupies the more and more important position in the development of the business enterprise. In automobile sell business enterprise, the vehicle files management has become one necessary part of the business enterprise operation process, provides the important basis for the governor to carry on the management decision and carried on various management activities. The vehicle files management is the foundation of the automobile sale business enterprise software system, only after feeding the basic file data of the vehicle and customer, then can carry on the follow-up expenses, insurance, the trouble of management etc. But in the vehicle files management system currently, the part exist problems that the customers carry the operation complications and database safety is not high. Therefore, the work gives the managing person of the file many inconvenience and the repetition operation. This literary grace adopts the Web technique of A, together with the Sql server 2000 databases, develops a set of vehicle file management system. This system expands sex good, be easy to the maintenance. It simplifies the vehicle files design process; do away with the redundancy information. The information-based management of all files can complete th



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