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If we are honest with ourselves, most of us have d of being famous sometimes in our lives. Many musicians often meet and form a band. Sometimes they play to p in the street so that they can earn e money and they also hope to make records in a s and sell millions of copies to become m . There was once a band. It started in a d way.The musicians were to playj on each other as well as play music, whose music and jokes were b on “The Beatles”. It was called the Monkees. Their performances were h enough to be copied by other groups.Though it b up in 1970, it r in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today. reamed assers-by xtra tudio illionaires ifferent okes ased umorous roke eunited Fill in blanks: Retelling 1. They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practicing music in someone’s house is the first step to fame. [句式分析] a. 本句是一个主从复合句。主句的主语为, _____谓语为 _________, 状语为as a group of high-school students. b. 逗号后部分为___________从句,其结构是:介词for+关系代词 ______ +主语 _______________________________ +谓语 ____________________(连系动词与表语一起作谓语部分)。其中介词for意思是____。 is the first step to fame They may start 非限定性定语 whom practicing music in someone’s house 对于 2. However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band. [句式分析] a.本句的主句部分的结构是:主语 _________ +谓语_______ +宾语 ___________________ ___________ to play and sing their own songs the Monkees started b. after a year or so是时间状语。or so 意为“大约,左右”,通常放在数词之后,而about, some, around均有“大约”之意,但都放在数词之__________。 c. in which they became more serious about their work是一个____从句, 修饰________。因表示“在一年里”,为in a year,故此处用介词in+关系代词which引导从句。关系代词which指代 ________。 a year 前 定语 a year or so 难句分析环节的设计进一步为阅读扫清了障碍,复习了定语从句的用法,并为写作打下了基础。 巩固提升 S.H.E Pop music Selina Hebe Ella Hebe Ella Selina 三个喜爱音乐的女孩,梦想有一天能成为明星,因为这个


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