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句子的种类 一、陈述句(肯定句、否定句) 用来叙述事实或表示说话人的看法。 △ 否定句: 1.如果句子的谓语动词是be动词、助动词、情态动词、或have(有),则在这些动词后 + not构成否定句。 2.如果句子的谓语是实义动词,则在谓语动词前 + do / does / did + not构成。 e.g. 1) The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. 否定:The Olympic Games will not be held in Beijing in 2008. 2) My grandparents bought a fridge last year. 否定:My grandparents did not by a fridge last year. 3.如果句子中含有no、hardly、never、neither、none、nothing、nobody、no one等表示否定意义的词时,句子为否定句,表示全部否定。而all, both, each, every, everyone, everything, everywhere, always等与not连用时,表示部分否定。 e.g. No one is in the class. 教室里没有人。 Not both are correct. / Both are not correct. 并非两个都对。(只有一个是对的) 4. 以think, believe, suppose, feel, expect等动词构成的宾语从句往往在形式上否定主句,意义上否定宾语从句。 e.g. I don’t think he has time to play with me, has he? I don’t believe that she can make a cake by herself. 二、疑问句: 1.一般疑问句:以be动词、情态动词、助动词或have(有)开头,可以用yes或no来回答的 句子。此外,一般疑问句的回答还可以用certainly, probably, perhaps, of course, all right, with pleasure等来代替yes;用never, not at all代替no。 e.g. Are you Tom’s sister? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Do you like tea? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Can you sing? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Can you help me? Certainly. △ 以be动词、情态动词、助动词或have(有)+ not 开头的句子,也属一般疑问句。这种句子一般表示请求、看法或惊讶等,其答语与汉语习惯不一样,英语回答中的yes或no要与后面的句意一致 e.g. Isn’t that interesting? Don’t you come to school by bike every day? ---Aren’t the flowers beautiful? 难道这些花不漂亮吗? ---Yes, they are. 不,漂亮。 ---No, they aren’t. 是的,不漂亮。 2.特殊疑问句:用疑问代词(what、who)或疑问副词(where、how)以及how引出的词组how many, how long, how soon等提问的句子,不用yes或no回答。 1)当疑问词作句子的主语或主语的定语时,与陈述句的语序相同。 e.g. Who is on duty today? (主语) Whose father is an engineer in your class?(hich one do you like?( What is your name?(表语) 3.选择疑问句:提出两个或两个以上的情况让对方选择,选项之间用or连接,不能用yes或no来回答。 e.g. 1)Do you like meat or vegetables? 2)Which sport do you like, football or basketball? 4.反意疑问句:指问话人对自己的看法、观点不完全肯定,需要别人来加以证实。由两部分构成,前一部分陈述一


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