!essay requirement 作业的注意事项.doc

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!essay requirement 作业的注意事项

An essay should meet the following expectations: 1.????Answer the question set, keep to the topic and include all relevant issues. 2.????Go beyond what other people have said on the topic.? Express their ideas in your own words but add your own ideas and opinions.? To do this you need to analyze and criticize ideas where appropriate and argue your point of view.? Support your arguments and opinions with extensive referencing. 3.????Show in the content of your essay that you have read the set text and that you have consulted a reasonable range of books and journals. 4.????Be clear and concise in your expression paying particular attention to sentence structure.? Put yourself in the reader’s position and ask ‘Is the meaning clear?’ 5.????Include an introduction in your opening paragraph and a conclusion in the final one. 6.????Pay attention to the rules of writing in relation to paragraphing, punctuation, spelling, etc. Use headings标题 for sections of your essay where appropriate.? 8.???Generally avoid direct quotations except short ones used for a particular effect.? It is better to express the idea in your own words. 9.????Acknowledge the sources of both direct quotes, ideas of others and background information. 10.???Attach a reference of the books and journal articles used in the assignment. Adhere to the word limit.? Essays should be approximately the suggested length but should be compact紧凑.? This means that final drafts稿子 should involve cutting back, rather than padding, an earlier draft.? Essay deadlines最后期限 must be strictly adhered坚持 to.? Students should expect marks to be lost for late assignments.? Punctuality is a virtue of good managers. 2004年9月23日,葛优在北京国际饭店隆重热烈的“奥克斯聘葛优任手机形象代言人”新闻发布会上,正式担纲手机形象代言人一职。会上,一位嘉宾引人注目,这就是来自飞思 卡尔公司中国区销售总监殷刚,他代表飞思卡尔半导体公司(原摩托罗拉半导体事业部)表示了对奥克斯成功签约葛优的祝贺,同时他指出,“奥克斯是中国成长最为迅速的成功民营企 业之一,我们非常看好奥克斯在手机市场上的潜力和发展前景。飞思卡尔已经与奥克斯在研发、生产等方面建立了深入、富有成效的合作,将一如既往支持奥克斯的发展,我们对奥克 斯在手机市场上成功破除一切阻碍非常有信心。”  飞思卡尔作为全球领先的通讯解决方案供应商,在中国通讯产业的发展和建设中有举足轻重的作用,在奥克斯未


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