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LETTER WRITTEN IN THE YEAR 2070 写于2070年的信 www ww w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w ww www ww w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwwwWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w ww www ww w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww Article published in the magazine Crónicas de los Tiempos“, in April 2002. 文章发表于2002年4月,发表在“Crónicas de los Tiempos”杂志上。 ?This is the year 2070 今年是2070年。 I have just turned 50, but I my appearance is of somebody of 85. 我的年纪刚刚50岁,可是看起来却像 85岁的老人。 I suffer from serious kidney problems, because I do not drink enough water. 因为没有足够的水喝,我有严重的肾脏问题。 Im afraid I do not have much time left to live. 我想我活不了多久了。 I am one of the oldest people in this society. 我已经是社会上最长寿的人之一。 I remember when I was a child of 5. 我还记得我5岁的时候, There were lots of trees in the parks, houses with beautiful gardens, and I could enjoy having a shower for half an hour.? 那时公园里绿树葱葱,房子后面都有美丽的大花园,我每次都能享受半个小时的洗澡时光。 Everything was very different then. 一切都和现在不同。 Nowadays we use towels with mineral oil to clean our skin. 现在我们只能用毛巾和矿物油清洁皮肤。 Before, women had beautiful hair. 过去,女士们有着美丽的长发。 Then, my father washed his car with water coming out of a hosepipe. 过去我父亲直接用水管的水洗车。 Now, my son does not believe that water could be wasted that way. 现在我的儿子不相信谁能够被那样浪费。 Now, we have to shave our heads to keep them clean without the use of water. 而现在,为了节省洗头所需的水, 所有人都要剃光头。 I remember there were SAVE WATER warnings on outside posters, radio and TV, but nobody paid attention. We thought that water was to last forever. 我记得那时海报,广播和电视有节约用水的警告,可是没有人注意。我们都认为水是用之不竭的。 Now, all the rivers, lakes, dams and underground water beds are either dry or contaminated. 现在,所有的河流,湖泊和地下水床都已经干涸或被污染了。 In



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