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Sentence Semantics 1: Situations Presented by: Xia Huijun Contents 4 Introduction 1 2 3 Classifying Situations Modality and Evidentiality Summary Introduction Languages allow speakers to construct different views of situations. In this chapter, we’ll learn How languages allow speakers to classify situations by using semantic distinctions of situation type, tense and aspect. How systems of mood and evidentiality allow speakers to adopt differing attitudes towards the factuality of their sentences. Key notions: situation type, tense, aspect, mood, evidentiality Introduction descriptions of situations situation type 情景类型 tense aspect 时和体 mood evidentiality 情态和证据性 states 状态 activities 活动 accomplishments 成就 semelfactive 即时非终结性行为 achievement 即时终结性行为 Classifying Situations We can identify 3 important dimensions to the task of classifying a situation in order to talk about it. These dimensions are situation type, tense and aspect. Situation type tense aspect Classifying a situation Situation type Situation type is a label for the typology of situations encoded in the semantics of a language. Eg. Robert loves pizza. (static or unchanging) Robert grew very quickly. (dynamic) The distinction between static and dynamic situation is reflected in the choice of lexical items. In English, for example, adjectives are typically used for states and verbs for dynamic situations. Verbs and situation types Certain lexical categories, in particular verbs, inherently describe different situation types. Some describe states, others are dynamic and describe processes and events. Stative verbs: the verbs which allow the speaker to view a situation as a steady state, with no internal phases or changes. By using a stative, the speaker does not overtly focus on the beginning or end of the state.( like be, have, know, love, etc.) Eg. Mary loved to drive sports cars. Stative verbs Notice: 1) Progressive forms can be used of dynamic situations but not states.◆ eg. a. I


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