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霜或雾凇会增加蒸发余量 当观测时正遇降水,量完蒸发量再去量蒸发雨量,微雨时,前后时间差的雨量差较小,如果雨势大,雨量差可达零点几毫米,这个雨量差造成了当日蒸发量偏大及次日蒸发量偏小的情况;若次日的天气状况较差,蒸发量较少,就有可能造成次日蒸发量测定值为负值的情况出现。最终造成从蒸发专用雨量器中量取出的雨量会比实际偏少一些。 When observations are in precipitation, the evaporation quantity to rainfall evaporation amount, small rain, the time difference before and after rainfall difference is small, if the rain is big, general rainfall of tenths of millimeters, the rainfall difference caused the evaporation capacity is larger and the smaller the evaporation; If the weather is bad, evaporation is less, it is possible to cause the evaporation measurement value is negative. Resulted from the evaporation dedicated rain gauge in the amount of rainfall will be less than the actual. 由于小型蒸发器和蒸发专用的雨量器安a装位置不同,有时因风向的不同,落入蒸发专用雨量器中的雨水比落入小型蒸发器蒸发皿内的雨水少,相应地,原量+降水量的数值就减小了。 Because of the small evaporator evaporation and dedicated the rain gauge in a put position is different, sometimes due to the difference of the direction of the wind, falling into evaporation dedicated rain gauge in the rain than those who fall into the small evaporator evaporation pan, little rain, accordingly, the original volume + and precipitation was reduced. 小型蒸发器为口径20 cm、高约10 cm的金属圆盆,受水界面较为单一;而蒸发专用雨量器是由全新不锈钢的口径为20 cm的承水器(漏斗)、储水筒、储水瓶几个部件组成,承水器与漏斗连接面不是一个完整无隙的受面体,雨水经过承水器(漏斗)流入储水瓶内,承水器表面和储水瓶都会吸附一些雨水,漏斗与承水器之间的接缝也会收纳一些雨水, For small evaporator diameter 20 cm, about 10 cm high metal round basin, water interface is relatively single; Evaporation and dedicated rain gauge is a new stainless steel diameter of about 20 cm of water bearing (cone), storage tank, storage bottle a few parts, bearing water device and hopper junction surface is not a complete no gap of the surface, the rain after bearing (funnel) flows into the reservoir water bottles, water bearing water surface and the reservoir water bottles will absorb some rain, funnel, and the juncture between water will also receive some rain, 如一天大部分时间都在断断续续地下雨,蒸发皿外壁和倒水小且积有少量雨水,量取蒸发余量的时候不小心将这些雨水倾入量杯或储水瓶内,会增大蒸发余量的值;打着


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