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浅析旅游动机的类型及影响因素 许峰 赤峰学院经济与管理学院,赤峰024000 摘 要:随着人类需要的多样化和复杂化,旅游需要也日益丰富多样,而一旦某种旅游需要被认识,就会以旅游动机的形式表现出来。旅游动机作为推动一个人进行旅游活动的内部动因,是进行和维持旅游活动的一种心理状态,是旅游需要的具体化和表现形式。了解旅游动机可以帮助我们更准确地分析和判断旅游者行为,从而有效地进行旅游预测或引导旅游消费。 关键词旅游动机原因类型动机是促进和维持人的活动并使活动指向一定目的的心理倾向按照心理学的原理人的各种活动都是由动机所引起的它支配着人的行为动机产生于人的某种需要当人产生某种需要时心理上会产生紧张和不安的情绪体验成为一种内在的驱动力,这就产生了动机有了动机,进而需要选择或寻找目标。当目标确定之后,随之就为满足、解除紧张而活动。行为使产生的动机在需要得到满足中不断减弱,直至行为结束,人的心理紧张也随之解除。然后又产生新的需要,引起第二次行为。旅游动机是直接驱动人们外出旅游的内部驱动力,在旅游动机的驱使下,人们确定旅游目标后采取行动,使旅游需要得到满足从而消除紧张。 of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the projects research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases. Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways;


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