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武汉纺织大学管理学院 学年论文 (2012 —2013 学年第二学期) 题 目:大学生蜂产品消费意愿的影响因素研究         ────────────────────── 专 业: 市场营销         ──────────── 班 级: 营销101         ──────────── 姓 名: 罗丽         ──────────── 指导教师:黄纯辉           ─────────── 序 号: 18 2013年9月 28日 学年论文开题报告 课题名称 大学生蜂产品消费意愿的影响因素研究 院系名称 管理学院 专 业 市场营销 班 级 营销101 学生姓名 罗丽 一、课题研究的意义蜂二、所属领域的研究成果 蜂产品作为纯天然、绿色的保健品为提高广大消费者的健康水平也做出了重要的贡献。但由于蜂产品存在着严重质量问题,使我国蜂业发展受到较大的制约和影响。随着蜂产品产业化进程的进一步加快,质量、品牌、市场之间的相互关系将更加紧密,靠质量创名牌,靠名牌拓市场,靠市场争效益的趋势将日益明显。三、研究内容 六、参考文献陈新跃;杨德礼 基于顾客价值的消费者消费者购买决策模型 []. -管理科学2003(02)刘辉宋福丽 基于服务的顾客感知价值与重复购买意愿关系的实证 []. -统计与决策2009(12) [15]郝静;任薇 消费者购买意向的影响因素研究 []. -商场现代化2009(9) [16]Sondergaard Helle Alsted;Grunert Klaus G;Scholderer Joachim Consumer attitudes to enzymes in food production [J].2005(16). [17]Wood Charles M;Scheer Lisa K Incorporating Perceived Risk into Models of Consumer Deal Assessment and Purchase Intent1996(23). [18]Henson S;Loader R Barriers to Agricultural Exports from Developing Countries:The Role of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Requirements2001(01). [19]Caswell J-A;Wang J Quantifying regulatory barriers to Asian-U.S.Food Trade2001(02). [20]Disdier A-C;Fontagne L;Mimouni M The impact of regulations on agricultural trade:evidence from the SPS and TBT Agreements2008(02). 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 ABSTRACT Bee products as a kind of keep up with the trend of The Times of green products,Bee products broad market demand The development of college students is a huge market, What factors influence college students to buy honey products? Consumer buying decision-making process is more complex, The purchase decision process is generally can be divided into the following five stages: Confirm need to seek information, comparative evaluation, decided to purchase and post-purchase evaluation. This article is based on the buying decision theory to study the influence factors of college students bee products willingness to spend. Participation in this study, on the basis of related


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