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泰国小学生汉字书写偏误分析 ——以泰国Daruna学校为例 摘要:随着中国经济的发展,中泰两国交流的进一步加强,也随着泰国汉语教育事业的逐渐繁荣,汉语教学中汉字教学的一些问题也在逐渐显现。汉字历来是外国学生学习汉语的难点之一,也是汉语教师进行教学的难题之一,汉字教学因此是许多专家学者一直在探讨的问题。汉字教学的滞后制约了整个汉语教学在泰国的发展,汉字教学的效果直接影响着汉语教学的效果,汉字教学在泰国汉语教学中起着重要的作用。 本文以汉泰两种语言的文字比较研究为基础,从对泰国Drauna学校零起点小学生汉语教学的个案研究出发,探求泰国小学生汉字习得中的重点和难点。通过分析积累的一手语料,结合教学经验,得出汉字习得常见偏误的来源、影响因素、类型及其成因等。针对收集到的典型偏误和主要原因,结合零基础泰国学生在汉字习得中的表现及特点,尝试提出有效纠正泰国学生汉字学习偏误的教学策略建议。 关键词 : 泰国小学生;汉字;分析 Abstract: with the development of Chinese economy, further strengthen communication with China and Thailand, Thailand Chinese education gradually prosperous, some problems in the teaching of Chinese Chinese characters teaching also gradually. Chinese characters is always one of the difficulties of foreign students learning Chinese, one of the problems in teaching and Chinese teacher teaching Chinese characters, so many experts and scholars have been discussing the problem. Chinese characters teaching lag restricts the development of the Chinese language teaching in Thailand, Chinese characters teaching effect directly influences the effectiveness of Chinese language teaching, Chinese characters teaching plays an important role in Chinese language teaching in Thailand. In this paper a comparative study of the two languages as the foundation, from the case of Thailand Drauna school beginners pupils Chinese teaching of primary school students in Thailand, to explore the acquisition of the key and difficult point Chinese characters. Through the analysis of the accumulation of a corpus, combined with teaching experience, the Chinese characters acquisition error sources, the influence factors, such as the types and the causes. According to the typical collected errors and the causes, combined with the performance and characteristics of the zero based students in Thailand Chinese characters in the acquisition of Thailand, try to put forward the effective correction of errors in students Chinese characters teaching strateg


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