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PEP五年级上 Unit 6 B Let’s learn 八湖中心小学 宋艳 教学目标: 1、能够听、说、读、写单词bridge, house, road, building, tree. 2、能够听、说、认读单词city, village 3、能够运用句型There are / is … in the city / village, 描述城市、乡村的景物。 教学重点: 1、掌握Let’s learn中的七个有关自然景物的单词bridge, house, road, building, tree, village, city ,其中前五个单词要求听、说、读、写四方面掌握。 2、在情景中理解单词的同时掌握句型There is / are… ,能恰当地用此句型简单描述城市和村庄的景物There are … in the city / village. ,结合句型教师引导学生代换单词,描述周围事物,如:教室、校园等,从而进一步运用句型。 教学难点: 1、如何利用所提供的情景以旧引新,让学生进入运用语言的状态。 2、名词复数的运用和读音。 教学准备: 本课时的单词卡片和图片,课件 教学过程: Step1. Warm-up 1. 谈论教室,复习There is …. a. 引入:This is your classroom. There is a board in the classroom. b. 学生发现并练说。 2. 谈论自然公园Talk about the Nature Park. T: Ok! Let’s go to the Nature Park. Look! What’s in the Nature Park? Ss: There is … T: Is there a panda in the Nature Park? T:Is there a.... in the nature park? S.... S: Is there a…in the nature park? Ss.... Step 2. Presentation 1. 教学tree a. Lead in T: Is there a panda in the Nature Park? Can you say something about the panda? You can say in Chinese. S: It eats bamboo. It can climb trees….. b.教师在黑板上简笔一棵树,说: The panda can climb trees. c. 出示词卡,教学发音。 d. 学说 There are some fruits on the tree. 教师依次在树上画上水果,There are apple trees. 引导学生说: orange tree, pear tree. 并用“there are …”句型描述。如:There are apple trees. 2. 教学bridge a Lead in T: The trees have a friend. It can sing. It’s a river (简笔画) T: apple tree and banana tree are good friends. Today apple tree wants to visit the banana tree., but there is a river. How can he go to the banana tree’s home? T: What can you do? S1: I can swim. T: That’s a good idea! But the apple tree can’t swim, and the weather is so cold. Look, there is a bridge over the river! b.教师简笔画,引出bridge. c.出示词卡,教学发音,学生单个反馈。 d.学说: There is a bridge over the river. e.教师说: There are many bridges in China. 课件呈现,学说英文。并用 There is … in China。 引导学生联系实际说说自己知道的桥。T:Can you say some bridges in Linyi? 3. 教学house a. 出示图片(桥、河、树),用there is/are


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