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THANKS! * Africa: 78% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed Europe: the highest prevalence of type 1 diabetes in children MENA中东北非-Middle East and North Africa: 6 of the top 10 countries by diabetes prevalence NAC北美加勒比海地区-North America and Caribbean: 1 adult in 10 has diabetes SACA中南美洲-South and Central America: 12.3% of all deaths were due to diabetes South-East Asia: almost one-fifth of the world‘s people with diabetes live in just seven countries,包括印度 Western Pacific: 132 million adults have diabetes, the largest number of any region,包括中国 * * * * A: Plasma free insulin levels after subcutaneous injection of 0.2 U/kg regular insulin (□) and insulin lispro (?) in type 1 diabetic patients with overt diabetic nephropathy. Thick lines indicate free insulin concentrations; thin lines indicate fitted polynomial function of sixth order. Data represented are means ± SE. B: Plasma free insulin levels after injection of 0.2 U/kg regular insulin (?) and insulin lispro (○) in type 1 diabetic patients without diabetic nephropathy. Thick lines indicate free insulin concentrations; thin lines indicate fitted polynomial function of sixth order. C: Fitted polynomial function of sixth order to glucose infusion rate after subcutaneous injection of 0.2 U/kg regular insulin (heavy black line) and insulin lispro (dotted line) in type 1 diabetic patients with overt diabetic nephropathy. Thin lines indicate glucose infusion rate original registration. D: Fitted polynomial function of sixth order to glucose infusion rate after subcutaneous injection of 0.2 U/kg regular insulin (heavy black line) and insulin lispro (dotted line) in type 1 diabetic patients without diabetic nephropathy. Thin lines indicate glucose infusion rate original registration. * * 胰岛素类似物 在慢性肾病中的应用 高洪伟 北京大学第三医院内分泌科 在中国,发病率逐年上升 亚洲高发。发达国家第三大非传染病 中国糖尿病患病率变化 时间 对象 标准 患病率% 备注 1980年 14省市30万 我国标准 0.67 1994年 19省市21万(25~64岁) WHO1985 DM:2.51 IGT:3.2 1996年 11省市4万 (20-75岁) WHO1985 DM:3.21 IGT:4.76 分层 抽样 20



