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数字化设计及仿真 祝楷天 (盐城工学院 优集学院 江苏盐城 224051) 摘要:制造业信息化的发展促使许多企业建立起了相应的CAD/CAM软件环境平台,并应用CAD/CAM软件进行产品的设计、分析、加工仿真与制造,取得了显著的效果。利用计算机辅助设计和制造(CAD/CAM)软件系统来完成机床夹具设计过程是加速夹具设计效率、提高设计质量的一种重要手段。但现有的通用CAD/CAM软件没有针对机床夹具设计的完整技术手册资料和三维标准件图库系统,设计人员仍然需要使用传统的纸质工具手册书籍进行资料查询和标准件三维实体图绘制工作,影响了机床夹具设计的效率和质量。因此,研究机床夹具数字化设计手册软件和三维标准件图库系统对满足数字化时代工程技术人员的需要具有重要的作用。 关键词:机械产品;数字化;设计仿真Digital design and simulation ZHU Kai-tian (UGS College,Yancheng Institute of Technology,Yancheng,Jiangsu 224051) Abstract: The development of manufacturing industry has led many enterprises to set up the corresponding CAD/CAM software environment platform, and the application of CAD/CAM software for product design, analysis, processing simulation and manufacturing, has achieved remarkable results. Using computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) software system to accomplish machine tool fixture design process is an important means to accelerate fixture design efficiency and improve design quality. But the existing general CAD/CAM software does not have the complete technical manual data and the 3D standard part library system for the machine tool fixture design, the design personnel still need to use the traditional paper tools manual books to inquire and the standard piece three-dimensional entity chart drawing work, has affected the efficiency and the quality of the machine tool jig design. Therefore, it is important to study the software and 3D standard part library system of the digital design of machine tool fixture to meet the needs of engineering and technical personnel in the digital age. Keywords: Mechanical products, Digitization , Design simulation. 数字化设计及仿真 1 Digital design and simulation 1 0 引言 2 1 什么是机械数字化设计 2 2 数字化设计与制造的历史进程 2 3 数字化设计技术发展趋势 3 4 数字化仿真分析技术 4 5 结语 4 参考文献: 5 0 引言 随着全球经济一体化的进程加快以及信息技术的迅猛发展,现代制造企业环境发生了重大的变化,其变化的主要特征为,产品生命周期缩短;交货期成为主要竞争因素;大市场和大竞争己基本形成;用户需求个性化,多品种小批量生产比例增大。为此,制造企业的战略从20世纪50年代和60年代资源经济的“规模效益第一”,经过70年代和80年代“价格竞争第一”和质量竞争第一“发展到90年代”市场响应速度第一”及面向21世纪知识经济的技术创新第一”。与此


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