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题目:从微博谈微时代的语言传播 院(系)    文学院    专 业    广播电视新闻学 届 别    2012届    学 号    0715212021    姓 名    王 晶   指导老师 纪秀生 教授 华侨大学教务处印制 2012年5 月 摘 要 在web2.0时代,微博的出现是一场媒体中的“微革命”。主体的多元化和平 民化让它成为了真正的草根媒体,140个字的字数限制以及便捷、多样化的发送 手段让每个个体都能够发表自己的言论,极大地解放了民众的话语权。微博不仅开创了人际传播的新模式,也让公益新闻、突发新闻的报道有了更为显著的效果,传统媒体与微博的结合更是开辟了新闻报道的新时代。除了媒体,政府机关单位和企业也纷纷开设微博,拉近与民众的距离。作为自媒体的典范,微博,让人们的生活更加精彩,也印证着社会发展的潮流。本文以微博为研究对象,并选取2010、2011年热门的微博事件作为案例,探讨其传播方式及特征对媒体和传播带来的影响,并就其发展中的问题提出解决方案。 关键词:微博 微时代 语言传播 特性 对策 ABSTRACT In the age of web2.0, micro-blogging is a media micrrevolution.Diversification of the main and civilians it has become a real grass-roots media, the word limit of 140 words, and convenient, diverse means of sending so that each individual can express their views to the liberation of the peoples right to speak. Micro-blogging is not only creating a new model of interpersonal communication, but also to the public interest news, breaking news reports have a more significant effect, the combination of traditional media and micro-blogging has opened up a new era of news reports. In addition to the media, government agencies, institutions and enterprises have also set up the micro-blogging and, closer to people. Since the model of the media, micro blogging, so that peoples lives more exciting, and also confirms the trend of social development. Micro-blogging, and select the 2010, 2011 years of popular micro-blogging event as a case study to explore its mode of transmission and features of the impact of media and communication, and propose solutions for their problems in the development. Keyword:Micro-blogging ;the era of micro-blogging ;the language sprea 目 录 摘 要 ………………………………………………………………02 ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………03 引 言……………………………………………………………… 04 一、微博的出现与发展概况 ………………………………………04 二、微时代的语言传播特性 ………………………………………07 三、从传播学角度透析微时代的社会效果 ………………………11 四、微时代下


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