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白话文译稿1. 毛里塔尼亚的艺术和文化 本文档由【中文word文档库】提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、报告和经济类word文档。 Art / Culture 艺术和文化 One could easily lose something precious in Mauritania’s million square kilometers of dune fields and rocky steppes, stretching north from the Senegal River and east from the Atlantic into the Sahara’s most desolate corners. Nomadic encampments are few, villages are far between, and the wind blows inexorably from the west, scattering all that comes before it. 毛里塔尼亚成千上百万平方公里的沙丘和乱石遍布的干草原,南起塞内加尔河,西邻大西洋,向东一直延伸到荒凉的撒哈拉大沙漠深处。游牧部落零星而布,村庄相隔甚远,强劲的西风把地上的一切吹得四散飘零。在这片广袤野的土地上,珍贵的文物是那么容易迷失。 Ahmad Ould Mohamed Yahya, director of manuscripts at the Institut Mauritanien de Recherche Scientifique (IMRS) in Nouakchott, believes it is not a fluke that something precious should recently have been found in the small town of Boutilimit, some 150 kilometers (95 mi.) east of the capital city of Nouakchott: the world’s only known complete manuscript of a work on grammar by the great Spanish-Arab physician and philosopher Ibn Rushd, known in the West as Averro?s. This find, so far from the Mediterranean basin, means that historians must rethink just how far Ibn Rushd’s writings and influence extended into the Arab hinterland. 在努瓦克肖特主管手稿文物的毛里塔尼亚科学研究处处长阿汉穆德·乌尔德·默罕默德·叶海亚相信,如果最近在努瓦克肖特以东150公里的小城包特利密特发现贵重物品绝非偶然和侥幸,这件贵重的物品就是迄今为止世界仅存的伟大医生和哲学家伊本?鲁世德(在西方叫做阿维罗伊)的语法著作完整原稿。在远离地中海这一发现意味着历史学家必须重新思考伊本鲁世德的著作和影响在阿拉伯种族腹地的延伸到底有多远。 The Fame of Mauritanian Manuscripts Mauritania is known throughout the Arab world—but hardly at all in the West—for its enormously rich heritage of Arabic manuscripts, many brought from the Arab East by pilgrims returning from Makkah, some recopied from those imported sources by students in the Qur’an schools that once flourished throughout the country, and others composed by Mauritania’s own jurists, poets, and historians. 毛里塔尼亚古代文稿的声望 毛里塔尼亚在阿拉伯种族世界众所周知,但是在整个西方却难能如此,这是因为毛里塔尼亚拥有大量的阿拉伯典著文稿,其中的很大一部分是从麦加归来的朝圣者带来的,一些是古兰经学派的一些学生的外进经典的复本,其它的是由毛里塔尼亚本国的法理学家、诗人与


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