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The Study of American Literature in China: American Content and Chinese Perspective 1, A Brief Introduction to the Translation of American Literature in China 2, A General Introduction to the Study of American Literature in China (with a focus on the New Period Time: since 1979) 3,The Trend of Reading (American ) Literature: Personal Perspective 1, A Brief Introduction to the Translation of American Literature in China: 1910: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe (translated as The Appeal of the Black Slaves (黑奴吁天录) 1929:“The Killers“, Ernest Hemingway 1930-1949: An American Tragedy, Theodore Dreiser, The Main Street, Sinclair Lewis, The Wrath of Grapes, John Steinback, Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway, etc…… The special issue of American literature in the literary journal: Modern , Oct., 1934 the development of American novels modern American drama modern American poetry modern American literary criticism writers discussed: Jack London, Upton Sinclair, Theodore Dreiser, Eugene O’Neill, Ezra Pound, Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, William Faulkner, etc…… issues: modernity, national identity and originality 1978-: Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Cheever, Ellison, Bellow, Updike, Morrison, Frost, Williams, Stevens, Ginsberg, Plath, Kingston, Tan, etc……. 2, A General Introduction to the Study of American Literature in China (with a focus on the New Period Time: since 1979) 2.1: case studies (major books published on American literature) A Brief History of American Literature , 1978/1982, 2003 (董衡巽 《美国文学简史》1978,1982,董衡巽《美国文学简史》2003) On Contemporary American Novelists,1987 (钱满素《美国当代小说家论》1987) A Survey of Modern American Fiction, 1990 (王长荣《现代美国小说史》1992) Contemporary American Drama (汪义群《当代美国戏剧》1992) A History of American Drama (郭继德《美国戏剧史》1993) A History of Twentieth Century American Poetry, 1995 (张子清《20世纪美国诗歌史》1995), A History of Twentieth Century American Literature, 1999 (杨任敬《20世纪美国文学史》) A Study of Contemporary American Novels, 2000 (黄铁池 《当代美国小说研究》20


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