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摘要 论转换法在英汉翻译中的应用 由于英汉两种语言在语法或表达习惯上存在巨大差异, 在英汉翻译的过程中, 译者往往需要改变原文的词类或句子成分。作为英汉翻译中常用的翻译技巧,转换法可以使译文自然、流畅、准确,既传达原意又符合汉语的表达习惯。 本文共分三章。第一章介绍了英汉翻译过程中几种常见的词性转换方法,如原文中的名词或介词转换为译文中的动词。词性的转换通常会引起句子成分的改变,第二章分析了句子成分的转换现象。第三章讨论了如何将英语思维视角转换为相应的符合汉语文化和思维模式的视角。 关键词:转换法;词类;句子成分;视角;英译汉 Chapter One Conversion of Word Classes In E-C translation, it is difficult to get an appropriate corresponding Chinese word for an English word of the same class all the time. If each word in one language is replaced with words of the same word classes in another, such expressions would sound very awkward or even unintelligible to the reader. Therefore, effective use of word class conversion is crucial and necessary in E-C translation. I. Conversion into Chinese Verbs Because one of the most remarkable differences between English and Chinese lies in the use of the verb, conversion into Chinese verbs has become the basic conversion technique used in E-C translation. i. Converting English Noun into Chinese Verb As for English, “it seems possible to express ideas with greater precision and adequacy by means of nouns than by means of the more pictorial verbs” (Jespersen 139). That is to say, “English is a language in which nouns are more widely used than ii. Converting English Preposition into Chinese Verb It is known that “there are about 286 prepositions and prepositional phrases in English” (Lian 50). Prepositions or prepositional phrases are so widely and frequently used in English that English is sometimes called prepositional language. Prepositions in English, which are very rich and flexible in meaning, have a great power of expression; on the contrary, the Chinese language is verb-oriented, so it is not without reason that English prepositions or prepositional phrases are often converted into Chinese verbs or verbal phrases in E-C translation. There is an example below. Example 1: It is our goal that the people in the undeveloped areas will be finally off poverty. 我们的目标是使不发达地区的人


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