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学士学位论文 论文题目:民营企业员工流动中的问题及对策研究 目 录 摘要 1 关键词 1 引言 3 1民营企业的员工流动现状 3 1.1民营企业在我国的发展及自身特点 3 1.1.1民营企业在我国的发展 3 1.1.2我国民营企业的特点 3 1.2民营企业的员工流动现状及造成的影响 4 1.2.1民营企业的员工流动现状 4 1.2.2过高的员工流动率给企业造成的影响 4 2民营企业员工流动率高的原因分析 5 2.1民营企业与国企、外企在员工流动方面的比较 5 2.2导致民营企业员工流动率高的原因分析 6 2.2.1员工的因素 6 2.2.2企业因素 6 3民营企业员工流失管理对策 8 3.1现有的管理对策及收到的效果 8 3.2民营企业人力资源管理中应进一步采取的对策 10 结束语 12 谢辞 13 参考文献 14 附录 15 民营企业员工流动中的问题及对策研究 摘要:民营企业伴随着三十年来我国改革开放事业的进程,为保障国民经济的持续向前发展发挥了不可替代的作用。随着宏观经济环境的改善,中国的民营企业面临着新一轮巨大的发展机遇。但是,民营企业在高速发展中又产生了人才流失的危机:一方面,民营企业的快速发展离不开人才;另一方面,民营企业引进人才难,留住人才难,用好人才更难。而最让企业困惑的是:自有人才的大量流失给企业的发展甚至生存带来了难以估量的恶果。本论文围绕民营企业人才流失问题展开了详细的分析和讨论。通过对一般企业员工流失分析研究,说明企业员工流失对企业的发展和生存的重要性。本文从民营企业管理过程中存在的问题出发,分析了民营企业员工流动的多项因素,并根据现行的民营企业现状提出了几条具体可行的解决对策,以便能够争取实现民营企业人才流动的合理化。 关键词:民营企业 员工流动 激励机制 Abstract:The private enterprise is following more than for year our country reform and open policy enterprises advancement, to safeguard the national economy to continue to develop forward has played the irreplaceable role. Along with the macroeconomic environments improvement, Chinas private enterprise is facing the recent round huge development opportunity. But, the private enterprise has had the brain drain crisis in the high speed development: At the same time, private enterprises fast development cannot leave the talented person; On the other hand, the private enterprise introduces the talented person to be difficult, to detain the talented person to be difficult, is only then more difficult with the good person. What but most lets the enterprise puzzled is: the innate talented persons massive outflows even survived for enterprises development have brought the evil consequence which estimated with difficulty. The present paper has launched the detailed analysis and the discussion regarding the private enterprise brain drain question. Through drains the analytical study to the common enterprise staffs, explained that the enterprise staffs drain to enterprises development and the sur


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