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* New Year’s resolutions show hope (P4) 2014-2015学年第 18 期总第 582 期 For Senior 2 辽宁大连开发区八中 程国良 Warm-up New Year is coming. How will you celebrate it? Reflecting on the past, what is your biggest wish? Skimming Look through the article and find out 1.Whats a New Year’s resolution? A promise to yourself to get something done. 2.How did Samuel Johnson define it? A “triumph of hope over experience”. 3. What‘s the Huffington Post’s definition of it? New Year’s resolutions are all about hopefulness. Reading Read the article carefully and answer the following questions. 1.Which people usually expect to benefit from New Year’s resolutions? Gym and bookstore owners. 2.What might make McDonald’s and KFC worried about losing money in the new year? People will try to keep their weight loss resolutions. Reading Read the article carefully and answer the following questions. 3.What may happen to New Year’s resolutions a few months after they are made? They may be forgotten or given up on. 4.How many of us actually keep them? Only 12 percent of people, according to the article. Reading Read the article carefully to answer the following according to the article. 5.Why does the author quote Samuel Johnson and the Huffington Post’s definition? The author is trying to explain why most New Years resolutions are guaranteed to fail. 6.Why do people make New Year’s resolutions? They are a way to reflect people’s good wishes and desire for change. create anew and make over famous, widely honored keep to change to the contrary show by ones behavior take the trouble to do something Practice Match the following with the correct word or phrase from the article. reinvent renowned stick with reverse reflect bother Practice Translate the following using the correct word or phrase from the article. 1.我没必要自寻烦恼地为了帮助他们而伤害他们。 We shouldn’t bother to help them if they won’t help themselves. 2.他们的行动清楚地反映了他们的思想。 Their actions reflect their thoughts. 3.我愿尽力彻底改造自己的生活。 I will try my best to reinvent


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