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BOOK 9 UNIT 2 Reading PARA 1 1. 在经纬度未能绘出航船在地图上的位置之前,我们很想知道航海员是怎样在海上探险的。 We _____ _____ wonder how seamen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude made it possible to _____ a ship’s ________ on a map. may/might well 很可能,极有可能 These are excellent photographs and we ___ ____ use them in our magazine.这些是很不错的照片,我们很有可能把它们用在我们的杂志上。 You might well find that you’ll need more by the weekend. 译:____________________________________________________ 2. The voyages of travelers before the 17th century show that they were not ___ ____ ______ ____ the sea _____ ______ they did not have modern ____________ aids.17世纪前的海上航行表明,即使没有现代航海术的帮助,旅行者也没有受大海的支配。 ① voyage n./ vi. 航海, 航行 去航海旅行__________________ trip 指休闲或因商的短途旅行journey 指从一地出发直达目的地的长途陆路旅行或旅程,不含回到原出发点之意。travel 常指到国外或某个遥远的地方去,不强调具体目的地。指具体的旅行时常用复数,用单数一般表示旅行的抽象概念。 They have got everything ready to make a _____ across the Atlantic. A. trip B. travel C. voyage D. tour ② I don’t like to be ___ ____ _______ ____such a man. 我不愿受这样一个人的摆布。 The terrorists showed no mercy to the hostages.译:_______________ The mother left the dying baby in the hospital without mercy. 译:____________________________________________________ ③ Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be proud. (引导把握不大或假设的事情) Even though he was late, he was not criticized by the teacher.(引出事实) There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, she was an only child.A. ever since B. now that C. even though D. even as PAGE 1 This seems to have been the first and most useful form of _____, which ________ the ________ amount of risk.这似乎已是最早的,最有用的探险方式,所冒的风险也最小。 ①This report carried a serious warning of future trouble.这个报告_______对未来困境的严重警告。 ②The _________ ____________ for the job are a degree and two years’ experience. 该工作的最低要求是要有学位和两年的工作经验。 The company manages to keep/reduce the cost to a minimum. 译:___________________________________________________ We must make maximum use of the resources available. 我们必须___


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