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Understanding Organizational Behavior Nelson Quick, 3rd Edition Chapter 9 Decision Making by Individuals and Groups Programmed and Nonprogrammed Decision Programmed Decision A simple, routine matter for which a manager has an established decision rule. Nonprogrammed Decision A new, complex decision that requires a creative solution. Figure 9.1 The Decision-Making Process Intuition Creativity Mental Blocks that Diminish Creativity Searching for the “right” answer. Trying to be logical. Following the rules. Avoiding ambiguity. Striving for practicality. Being afraid to look foolish. Avoiding problems outside our own expertise. Fearing failure. Believing we are not really creative. Not making play a part of work. Participative Decision Making Advantages of Group Decision Making More knowledge and information through the pooling of group member resources. Increased acceptance of, and commitment to, the decision, because the members had a voice in it. Greater understanding of the decision, because members were involved in the various stages of the decision process. Disadvantages of Group Decision Making Pressure within the group to conform and fit in. Domination of the group by one forceful member of a dominant clique, who may ramrod the decision. The amount of time required, because a group makes decisions more slowly than an individual. Groupthink Techniques for Group Decision Making Brainstorming A technique for generating as many ideas as possible on a given subject, while suspending evaluation until all the ideas have been suggested. Nominal Group Technique NGT A structured approach to group decision making that focuses on generating alternatives and choosing one. Techniques for Group Decision Making contd. Delphi Technique Gathering the judgments of experts for use in decision making. Devil’s Advocacy A technique for preventing groupthink in which a group or an individual is given the role of critic during decision making. Dialectical Inquiry A debate betwee



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