Unit3 Revision.ppt

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Unit3 Revision

Unit 3 A healthy life Revision Important words 1.滥用;虐待 2.压力;重音;是紧张 3.禁止;取缔 4.无意识的;自动的 5.精神的;智力的 6.结果;效力 7.加强;巩固;变强 8.绝望的;拼命的 9.失望的;沮丧的 10.感到羞愧或羞耻的 abuse stress ban automatic mental effect strenthen desperate disappointed ashamed 11.局促不安的;笨拙的 12.香烟;纸烟 13.酒精的 14.困难的;强硬的 15.停止;离开 16.肺 17.不健康的;不合适的 18.小包;小盒 19.药剂师;化学家 20.不合法的;违法的 awkward cigarette alcoholic tough quit lung unfit packet chemist illegal pill cigar male female addicted needle adolescent withdrawal pregnant abnormal 21.药丸;药片 22.雪茄烟 23.男性的;雄性的 24.女性的;雌性的 25.入了迷的;上瘾的 26.针;针头(注射器) 27.青少年,青春期的 28.收回;撤退;戒毒 29.怀孕的 30.畸形的,异常的 31.气喘吁吁的 32.理解(力) 33.附录;附件 34.幸存;幸存者 35.偏见;成见 36.判断;断定 37.流产;中途失败 38.尴尬的;陷入困境的 breathless comprehension appendix survival prejudice judgement abortion embarrassed Word spelling 1.According to the new law, parents arent allowed to a____ children in the family. 2.The man is still under s____. He doesnt sleep very well. 3.These films have bad e____ on children. 4.He was very d_________ that not all guests invited had come to the party. 5.I was too a______ to tell her that I had failed. 6.At present,there is a b__ on offering plastic bags for free in supermarkets. 7.The girls s______ was a surprise not only to us,but also to the doctor. 8.He is m_____ disabled, so he cant continue his schooling. 9.They were almost d_______ when a group of soldiers came to help them. 10.The heating system is a__________ controlled by computer. 11.You must s_______ your reading ability, which is your weak point. Useful Expressions 1.due to 2.be/become addicted to 3.be/get accustomed to 4.decide on 5.feel like doing 6.in spite of 7.take risks/a risk 8.at risk 9.get into 由于 对...有瘾 习惯于... 对...作出决定 想要做... 不管;不顾 冒险 处境危险;遭受危险 陷入;染上 坏习惯 Fill in the blanks with proper phrases 1. Im very thirsty. I _______ drinking a cup of water now. 2.Dont _________ important matters too quickly. 3.Many kids have _______________ surfing the internet. 4.My eyes cant quickly ________________ the dark . 5. How did he _______ the


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