287805$陈元红$lecture 7.ppt

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287805$陈元红$lecture 7

第八章 商务合同与协议的翻译 商务合同与协议的语言特点 The features about vocabulary Use many formal words and professional words Compare the following two kinds of words and expressions Terminate, stop commence, begin be deemed to, be regarded as in lieu of, in place of prior to, before whatsoever, whatever More formal words in the contract : in accordance with unless, otherwise, provided that, be deemed to In accordance with the date of shipment 根据装运日期 Use old English To make the compound words by adding after, by, in, of, on, to, under, upon, or with after here, there, or where Hereafter: in this document and after this point 此后, 以后 Hereby: in this way or by this letter以此, 特此, 由此 Thereby: by that 按此, 借此, 从而, 由此 Therefrom: from that从那里 Whereas Party A is willing to employ Party B and Party B agrees to do as Party A’s engineer in Beijing, it is hereby agrees as follows. 鉴于甲方愿聘请乙方,乙方同意应聘为甲方在北京的工程师,双方协议如下: In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreement herein contained, the parties agree as follows. 双方考虑到在此提出的契约和协议, 同意如下条款. Use the synonymous word with its relevant words Terms and conditions 条件 null and void 无效 free and clear of 无 able and willing 能够并愿意 The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and cargo on board 如果上述货物对船舶和船上其他货物造成伤害,托运人应负全责 Use shall, should, may, will mostly It is hereby agreed that Party B shall have no obligating to pay for the costs of such training, other than to pay for their traveling expenses to and from USA and their salaries. 双方特此协议, 乙方除支付受训人员赴美国的往返旅费及其薪金外,不负担此类培训费用. Indirect appellation Party A甲方 Party B乙方 the Seller卖方 the buyer 买方 Sentence features Use a lot of complete and long sentences with attribute and adverbial modifier to form the simple sentences and compound sentences The stylish features-Correct and precise Hereinafter called…以下称为… Unless otherwise stipulated in…除非在…中另有规定 This shall prevail over…则以…为准 商务合同与协议的翻译 The principles Use formal words and terminology The appe


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