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Unit 2 Healthy Eating 教师寄语 I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards.(我走的很慢,但我从来不会后退。) -----Abraham Lincoln Learning aims : 1.Review the key words, phrases and sentences . 2.Improve the ability to use English and develop team-work spirit. 3.Improve the skills of dealing with new types of exercises. 一、Words 1._____n./v日常饮食,节食? 2._____v./n.平衡,权衡,天平____adj.平衡的? 3.___,_____,______v.油煎(过去式过去分词)? 4._______?v.应当,应该 5._______adj.?生的,未加工的 6._____n.?强项,长处 adj 强壮的;强大的? 7._______v.?咨询,请教??? 8._________?n.?债务? ?二、Phrases 1.应当,应该? 2.体重减轻,减肥???????????????????????????? 3.?增加体重???? 4.被放过,不受惩罚?????????????????????????? 5.说谎??????????????????????6赢回???????????????????????????? 7.谋生????????????????????????8.欠债???????????????????????????? 9.暗中监视,侦查????????????10.消减,删节?????????????????????????? 11不久以后????????????????????????????。? 三.Sentences 1.他想:“再也没有比这些更好吃的了。” 2.他可不能让永慧哄骗人们后跑掉! 3.王鹏坐在他空荡荡的饭店里,感到十分沮丧。 4.我的研究表明,你我两家所提供的都不是. Part 1 Rewrite the story Wang Peng felt 1.____________ in an empty restaurant because no 2.____________ have come to his restaurant ever since he got up early in the morning.He wanted to find out why.He hurried out and 3.____________ Li Chang into a newly-opened restaurant.He found that the owner named Yong Hui was serving 4.____________ foods to make people thin. Driven by 5.____________,Wang Peng came 6.____________to take a close look at the menu.He could not even 7.____________ his eyes.He was 8.____________ at what he saw.He hurried outside and went to the 9.____________ to do some 10.____________.After a lot of reading,he 11.____________ that Yong Hui’s food made people become 12.____________ quickly because there was no 13.____________ food.Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign.The 14.____________ between the two restaurants was on! Part 2 review of key words ,phrases and sentences 1.benefit vt使。。。收益 vi受益于 n利益,好处,优势 1)benefit from/by 从……受益;得益于 benefit


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